ANY DEM who votes with GOP on budget should be primaried for having no backbone to fight the cult. GOP owns House, Senate, and White House .... make them pass a budget on their own.
About 260,000 Canadians (so far) have signed a petition asking Musk's Canadian citizenship be revoked.
I personally don't want Musk to have ANY connection to Canada. It's open until JUN-2025 so (if you're a Canadian citizen) hit the link to the website & sign it.
Canadians actually have conviction to get things done. Half of the US does not even understand what is going on in their own country. Elon Musk is a disease.
Elon Musk is an existential threat to humanity!
Do it!
Do it!
Do it!
Do it!
Do it!
Do it!
That's a rockin' good idea.
Pottery Barn Rule - you break it, you own it.
#GOPshutgovdown #GOPhatesAmerica #GOPbudget
I personally don't want Musk to have ANY connection to Canada. It's open until JUN-2025 so (if you're a Canadian citizen) hit the link to the website & sign it.
canadian parlimentary petition musk e-5353