Due to pressure by right wing activists, Walmart will not renew a five-year commitment for an equity racial center set up after the murder of George Floyd. The company is also pulling out of a gay rights index and will no longer give priority treatment to minority suppliers.
I will enjoy, magats crying over Walmart raising their prices because of tariffs. And can we dare to dream that Walmart sales will plummet because of high inflation and unemployment thanks to their fuhrer.
“Over 80 percent of purchases and purchase influences are made by women.”
Next year, when things have really kicked in, may be a bigger corporate spanking.
Is there some way I can spend less than zero at a business?
In a capitalist system you have votes plus money.
Like your vote you should only give your money to those you agree with & trust.
If enough people show they will not buy from fascist supporters, they will cease being fascist supporters.
I will continue not too.
In a capitalist system you have votes plus you have money.
Like your vote you should only give your money to those you agree with & trust.
If enough people stop giving fascist supporters money they will stop being fascist supporters.
directors are legally bound to serve shareholders, they’re doing their best by not spending money on non-essentials.
AND they keep up Trevor selective pricing program by increasing prices at the register based on the consumer.
Just surprised took this long to announce.
This is The Liars Way.
How's Target holding up?
In a capitalist system you have votes plus money.
Like your vote you should only give your money to those you agree with & trust.
If enough people show they will not buy from fascist supporters, they will cease being fascist supporters.
Every person on this planet, is just that. Human! No matter what we are all brothers and sisters of this Earth.