Y'all if you want good picks I will highly suggest you check out this dude have been tailing him for over a year now and his been fucking amazing ever
👇👇 https://t.me/+AJ9aHZUnTcwyOTlk
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They didn't even have them a proper name till it survive enough... It's like ok number 14 if you good till your 8 of age you will be named Bob... Or are you a girl??? Bob works.
The average age of death for former generations is skewed because so many people died in infancy or childhood. If you made it to 15, you were good for 75 years. Of course women also died too frequently in childbirth before doctors learned to wash their hands & c-sections became available.
visit older cemeteries. You'll see the effect of 'no vaccines'.
Entire families wiped out, starting with all the kids. It's beyond sobering... it's tragic.
It just emboldened them when Covid kill 1 million US consumers, children and grandparents and parents, cat ladies and mothers and fathers. They loved it.
The mRNA "vaccines" are new , experimental and not related to to previous ones . There's a reason you can't sue the companies for vaccine damage.. they'd be bankrupt by now
My great grandmother was one of the few children left in her family to have survived the 1918 Spanish flu. I believe her family originally had 10-13 kids, but only 3-4 kids survived.
It’s a very real reflection of our lineage that wouldn’t have existed if she had ceased to.
Although I feel bad for the kids I'm kind of torn as to whether or not absolute morons with children should be allowed to let their kids die of curable diseases
On one hand it's not the kids fault but then again if they grow up with idiot parents like that they'll probably perpetuate the ignorance
Our great great grandparents are buried with their predeceased children. My own father's twin died in the 20th century at 3 months from then untreatable infection. Those lessons are now forgotten. Opposition to appropriate care now is a function of lost public trust, not efficacy of medicine.
Remind every anti-vaxer, they would not be here without vaccines.
One of their great-grandparents, grandparents, parents would have died before they reached the age of reproduction.
Nothing under the age 70 should be speaking over the age of 70 still had vaccinations I know cause mom would have been 74. If her kidneys would have been strong enough my dad is still here he has vaccinations grandmother would have been 100. Had a vaccine too but hey talk about it 😭☠️🤣🙉🙈🙊
My maternal grandmother was one of 10 children born to my great-grandmother, only 5 of them survived to adulthood, all 5 of the others died before the age of 5. Measles, Polio, and influenza as cause of death. One of the 5 survivors lived her entire life with disabilities from polio contracted at 8
Some people have nostalgia for certain toys they grew up with. Others get nostalgic for a type of car their favorite uncle used to drive.
Deranged Reps get nostalgic about past diseases that were just about eradicated but they feel should be brought back b/c of their shit understanding of science.
Used to be a family therapist in the 80's. When we did family history then, it was common for people to talk about children who had died a generation or two earlier. In just about every family.
I have done enough genealogical research and looking at census in the 19th century, a high percentage of children died in their first 5 years of life. I have seen whole families wiped out due to disease.
With HHS basically crippled now, we'll probably regress to the medical status of the Middle Ages...and of course, there was disbanding a medical council that plans for vaccines to counter the upcoming flu season...
While doing genealogy, I discovered the majority of my family members had infant deaths some after just days, some after a couple years, and that was before vaccines, after vaccines, there have been no early deaths of children.
I had the measles when I was 5. I could have died. Over a 105 fever. I remember it still. You need to be in a dark room because light is painful. The itching is insane. You should never let any child be subjected to this disease. People don't know and have forgotten.
Photophobia is more common in German measles/rubella. It could be a symptom of measles but not as commonly. My siblings were struck bad with German measles and I had to wait on them w/ my mom. I remember it clearly though I was pre-school aged. Both infections can have dire effects.
Could be from that one. I had them all cause it was the 50s. Mumps were absolutely horrible, too. The pain with that one was extreme. Never subject children to these diseases.
It is so extremely contagious too. I was in 1st grade in 1970. A lot of us kids had it. I think, by the time I was in 8th grade the vaccine was readily available and barely anyone had the disease by then.
Chickenpox, and polio in the day... Antivaxxers were heavily considered as severe lunatics.
My niece had chicken pox when she was four, her fever shot up to 105 and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance because she became unconscious. She was there for more than a week.
My grandparents had six children (1911-1922), three boys on my father's and three girls on my mother's side. Their ages at time of death: 0, 0, 4, 80, 81, 89. My stepfather (died at 83) had one sibling, a sister who died at age 2. Half of the people born in my parents' generation died in childhood.
Before modern medicine literal millions of children died before they ever had a chance at life. Sometimes as many as 1/4 of ALL children died from diseases like Measles, Smallpox, Tuberculosis and minor infections ALL of those viruses and infections are now preventable simply through vaccinating.
I have taken the anti vaccine/least medication folks on walking tours of old cemeteries. They never fail to notice the cluster of children buried around their mother’s graves in the oldest parts of the cemetery.
The children’s headstones end with vaccination and antibiotics…
The proof is in the graveyards. How many "Children's graveyards" exist today? How many that existed in the past have graves dated after the 1940s? There's good reasons for that - VACCINATIONS.
Lots of people died of things back then typhus all sorts there is no proof I have seen that it directly links to much. Any I have had has nothing to do with any ailment I have these days. The risk of death outweighs any other risk.
Exactly. I used to tell my millennial students that if you want to know if vaccines work go and have a look in the old cemeteries, look at the ages and what they died from. People had bigger families to compensate for children not making it into adulthood. Contraception did lend a hand post 60s.
My Dad (b.1920) told me about being quarantined when he was a child. Only later did it dawn on me that was when his brother, Donald, died from diphtheria.
Same in my family- my mom 1920’s almost died of diphtheria and funny story, my grandmother would remove the quarantine sign when the health department left, she was embarrassed 🙈
It wasn't even as long ago as that picture indicates. I'm 60 this year and had both measles and chicken pox. My parents were thrilled to have us vaccinated against small pox, polio, diptheria and because my grandfather had TB, we got that one too.
Didn’t last long cause most kids died that’s why if u talk to ur grandparents their families had like 8 or 9 kids! Most didn’t make it to adulthood. My mom lost her hearing to mumps before people were vaccinated for that.
I buried a child, an infant. She had an incurable non preventable disease. Protect people from any disease we can. It can be you, your child, your family. And it will change everything.
My mom almost died as a child from diphtheria, my aunt and uncles were scarred for life from smallpox and my grandparents lost two children to smallpox.
I got Rubella, measles, mumps and chicken pox in the early 70s. Did not need to get the MMR VACCINE because I had plenty of antibodies to protect me the rest of my life. I got it anyway - just in case! Lol😂
There's a waterfall near my house we like to hike to from time to time. The parking area at the trail head is by an old cemetery with graves from the mid-late 1800's, anti-vaxers should really visit some of these old cemeteries and see what life was like before vaccines.
I'm old enough to remember children dying from polio when I was in first and second grade. Even those who survive to adulthood are sometimes facing "post polio syndrome."
This is also part of the "superior genes" TechnoBro eugenicist crowd's plan. Let those that will die of disease die, let the cream of the human genome rise to the top. Those who survive theoretically R the stronger breeders of the future and those humans will have built a resistance to all disease.
Yes I have made the point a number of times. The 1% oligarchs want us to go back to the feudal system where only a few control all the wealth, the rest of us a serf class. I had an old fellow warn me that this was coming 50 years ago. He said the oligarch class doesn't want to share the wealth.
Trump wants to bring back the good old days. 1880 was a great year. Indian wars, no vaccines, no regulations, no income tax, no social programs and the very weathly controled everything.
I think that is what he thinks is NORMAL. Then he can bring everything down to nothing, then restore it industrially, and claim he is the savior! Crazy wacko!
Anti-Vax is self correcting since families stopped having spare kids. Parents today will go to the mat to steamroll any possible threat to their only spin of the wheel.
I can tell you what it was like. I have an older brother and sister who were two years ahead of me in school. They brought everything home. I had measle, mumps, rubella, and chicken pox. I'm a senior citizen and still have many scars. Suffering from chicken pox with no AC was brutal!
As I like to say, go take a stroll in any cemetery that has some older plots. Sooner or later, you'll find a family plot with several small graves with short lifespans.
I am reminded of a post I saw not long ago about how cemeteries before the age of vaccines had so many children's gravestones.
Fuck the anti Vax morons.
Even after some vaccines. My mother was one of 6, of which 2 died in infancy (one from spina bifida, and one from a currently easily curable blocked colon). My MIL nearly died of diphtheria as a child. She suffered horrifically. We cannot go back. Listen to the podcast https://thispodcastwillkillyou.com/.
The epidemiologists who host "This Podcast Will Kill You" are excellent, and spent several episodes on vaccines. All their episodes are listen-worthy.
I learned there measles wipes out what is essentially your immune system's "memory," meaning you can re-contract all the diseases you previously had.
Not just the 19th century. My parents were born in the 1920s-30s, and terror of these diseases was lifelong, even after they were able to get us kids vaccinated. I got measles before the vaccination, and I’ll never forget the fear on my mother’s face.
When we were little, we were told, "Stay away from Mrs So-and-so 'cause she's pregnant." We never saw a newborn that wasn't a sibling.
These cautions must come back.
Post-partum confinement of 40days & care from aunties & grannies up to a year.
Wear masks near babies, ESPECIALLY in medical settings.
Now that kids are being hospitalized and dying, people are getting smart. People like bobby jr and jenny mccarthy should be locked up for what they have helped cause
Just an FYI: Polio is the reason one of our presidents was in a wheelchair. He contracted it when he was an adult. If Polio can paralyze an adult, just imagine what it will do to a child. Permanent paralysis, not being able to breathe, death. Do you really want your child to go through that?
There's a tiny private graveyard by me, it's a family named 'Bond'. Sadly there are a bunch of baby and children graves that all died in the same year in the early 1900's. No vaccines back then.
I looked at my wife's family history which is hundreds of years old. Families were constantly facing crisis. Mothers dying in child birth, children dying from disease and accidents in huge numbers. Some families had 12-16 children with only having 0-2 survivors in too many cases from disease mostly
I am allergic to everything so no vaccines. I used to rely on herd immunity but due to selfish stupidity I am gearing up for my ninth dance with the measles.
If anyone does any research into their family tree, they will discover how many family members never made it to adulthood before vaccines came along. So sad, and now we're seeing it again. 😪
What if that's THEIR ultimate goal? What if THEY want a higher mortality rate?
Not sure why THEY'd want more dead kids. But there are some smart people who are dead set on destroying public health in USA. What if they have some ultimate goal? What end would it serve?
For example, my grandmother had two siblings who didn't reach the age of 15, one from tuberculosis, and one from "the fevers".
People who oppose modern medicine are not fit to be leaders in a modern society.
"They died."
He thinks it is Gods will but I think that is the brain worms talking, or just the residual effects of years of heroine usage!
👇👇 https://t.me/+AJ9aHZUnTcwyOTlk
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Entire families wiped out, starting with all the kids. It's beyond sobering... it's tragic.
Every one needs 12 kids to ensure 3 survive.
It’s a very real reflection of our lineage that wouldn’t have existed if she had ceased to.
Vaccines Protect Me From You-And Protect You From Me!
#Vaccination - is the Only Way to achieve 'Herd' or 'Community' Immunity!
Brag About Your Vaccinations!
Show Disdain for Anti-Vaxxers!
The Whole World Knows Better!
🇺🇸 🌍
On one hand it's not the kids fault but then again if they grow up with idiot parents like that they'll probably perpetuate the ignorance
One of their great-grandparents, grandparents, parents would have died before they reached the age of reproduction.
It left both feet deformed and in pain her whole life.
The vaccine is oral. Even those who are squeamish about needles have no excuse.
Deranged Reps get nostalgic about past diseases that were just about eradicated but they feel should be brought back b/c of their shit understanding of science.
Chickenpox, and polio in the day... Antivaxxers were heavily considered as severe lunatics.
Typhus. Diptheria. Yellow fever. Cholera. Scarlet fever. Dysentery. Pertussis (Whooping cough.)
Various plagues round it out.
All only treatable or preventable due to modern vaccines and medicines.
Make note that they become fewer right when vaccination becomes common.
The children’s headstones end with vaccination and antibiotics…
if you were too sick they took out for a walk behind the old wooden shed . 💀
Or now, Iowa?
They skip over how 16 kids usually = 3 adults in the end due to diseases we could have killed off by now.
Making America Germy Again.
Three died in childhood from diseases eliminated today.
His wife really never recovered from their deaths…nor did he
Parents, you only need to vaccinate the kids you want to grow to adulthood. 🤷
Fuck the anti Vax morons.
I learned there measles wipes out what is essentially your immune system's "memory," meaning you can re-contract all the diseases you previously had.
Staggering to see so many children listed.
These cautions must come back.
Post-partum confinement of 40days & care from aunties & grannies up to a year.
Wear masks near babies, ESPECIALLY in medical settings.
#Trump doesn’t understand the difference between #Transgender and #Transgenic. This is our leader and he is going to get us all killed.
Not sure why THEY'd want more dead kids. But there are some smart people who are dead set on destroying public health in USA. What if they have some ultimate goal? What end would it serve?
It is so sad to see whole families that were wiped out within days.
We're going to see that again.