I been preaching this for some time. It's not about being on any side, the issues, rights etc...It's about being able to say that you are better than those maga types.
For most of our side, don't know what the fuck is going on beyond that.
And not only that, but too many people don’t even know history in the first place. They don’t even read to the end of the comments on a post—do you think they’re reading to the end of a book 😅
I was just told history doesn’t matter because Americans are special and will bounce back 👀. But I know people are the same everywhere and it is terrifying how many of them cares only about themselves and right now - and we have data to confirm it unfortunately.
I mean, they don't even get movies where they think they are the hero, when in reality they are the villain... they don't even read the sleeve of a book.
Especially when, if they get their way, they will continue their efforts to rewrite history and kill all of us elders who aren't yet demented and who have very long memories...
"I don't care about my legacy. I'll be dead."
This remark wqs a catalyst.
The 🌍 let it happen.
Never again means for everyone.
For most of our side, don't know what the fuck is going on beyond that.
History be damned!