Late night post: something that's obvious to comics writers but not to the audience is that every comics artist is a co-writer. In comics, images are writing. No matter how detailed the script's descriptions are, artists are making a million micro choices about story, flow, emotion.
And I'm in the camp that good art can rescue a bad story whereas a good story can be lost under bad art
Both deceptively simple but they ground Morrison's work so well even as it gets increasingly weird.
(Of course, I still refer to them as *my* comics, mainly because I am the publisher and salesman)
In some arrangements, the artist might be more like a director is for motion pictures. There is a script but the director provides their vision and that is what we see and so much more
It is cool you can create both parts for an illustrated story. I cherish the ability to wear both hats-- however good or bad the end results are. It is a fun way to think + to create