Just confirms they are corrupt, incompetent losers like we all knew. And since they did it on live TV, even more people now know. It’s clear they are acting on behalf of Russia. Trying to bully someone many times backfires and makes the bullies look like fools just like what happened.
Not only ignorance,& derangement, irrational, illogical, delusional, stupidity, unrealistic, to even fathom that the shameful, disgraceful, rude, cruel behaviour of Trump toward Pres Zalensky is insane,instead it has destroyed America's reputation all over the world for which we won't recover.
All of these men sit around in echo chambers and pat themselves on the back for being so smart and cool when in reality they are a bunch of ugly deranged nerds. No wonder half of them are women hating incels. No decent woman likes a horrible human - not even their own mothers.
It’s the folks on the fringe that voted trump for some dumb reason…woman can’t be president maybe?
Those are the folks who need to protest.
And the 30% who didn’t bother to vote. Shame on them.
It's malignant narcissism crossed with a weird middle schooler immaturity that makes these jerks think that bullying makes you look stronger. Most people grow out of this by high school, those with deeper problems never do 😔
Asking you as a student of history. How do we stop this insanity. What is most Effective. We have made phone calls, voted against them, voted with our pocketbooks and protested. Nothing seems to penetrate to the Cult of the GOP. They don’t seem to see, he will make them irrelevant too.
Their behavior yesterday only makes them look like the sad, pathetic, little insecure man children they really are.. global
Leadership certainly thinks so too.
Well, I've only heard Russia speak well of team USA so far. Canada and other Commonwealth countries are standing with Ukraine, still. Seems the UK is also team Ukraine. Emergency meetings are being held in Europe right now and none of this is a good look for team USA. Oh wait, team USA/RUS that is.
Trump was raised in a bubble. He doesn't know how the real world works. He doesn't know real human relationships that aren't transactional. He's pathologically narcissistic. He's surrounded by yes-sayers. He needs constant praise. He has low IQ and EQ. He's a sick person and therefore we suffer.
Think of all of the brain dead MAGA morons who saw that and actually thought it was a show of strength. Over a third of our country are gone forever, brainwashed by Fox and full of hate while they talk about being Christian and loving God. The future is pretty scary.
Why he surrounded himself with a**kissers. I am thinking they have o quota of how many time a week that have to do it. Like Rubio’s tweet after that mess.
I’m pissed 😡 at them. The ones who voted for him are in the minority here. Most Americans hate his guts. Like I do! We stand with Europe, Canada and every other ally that idiot has alienated. And we always will ! 🇧🇪
I can't believe they were attacking a guy who speaks English as a second language. Zelensky is a good speaker, but there is still some language barrier. The poor guy was being ostracized. I hope for proper consequences.
Trying to grasp what percentage of voters share that ignorance and derangement. Ukraine polls well even among Republicans, and yet DJT has been openly hostile to Ukraine since his first impeachment and it never seems to bother his supporters. I suspect this will hurt their view of Ukraine, not him
They completely misread Pres Zelenskyy.
Both Trump & Vance had already caved to Putin. They were bought off & betrayed their own country & people years ago. They're both weak & not qualified for the positions they arrogantly hold. When Zelenskyy stood up to them, their true weakness was on display.
Trump/Vance were playing for an audience of Putin, hostility and abuse are tools used by dictators to intimidate. They also realize that for most of MAGA, their school yard bully routine probably did make them more respected.
Besides, ignorance and derangement are defining characteristics for MAGA.
He always has someone do the setup for him; the dirty details. Ask Michael Cohen. Yesterday it was JD Vance.
He believes power = fear.
Interesting that he demands groveling at his feet. It is what he offers Putin and his North Korean pen pal. Is he afraid of them?
“… [Trump] said ‘Real power is … I even don’t like to use the word … but real power is fear,’” Woodward recalled …
“That’s something Trump realized eight years ago, maybe all of his life, and realizes now, you have to scare people,” Woodward added.
We can't begin to imagine how they think. They just don't "compute". Narcissists, sociopaths, amoral ... we can label them and learn to work around them, but will never understand how they can live with who they are.
It's the same ignorance and derangement that lends one the tendency to lean MAGA in the first place. They are the essence of all of the ugliest traits of America.
Finally, as we grow to understand the mental illness inflicting the president and those who empower his delusions of grandeur and power, that is when we begin to understand that we are not getting our democracy back, and that every branch of the government we once knew, will be looted
REAL THREATS Are Coming From #Trump and #Musk!
MAGA Needs To Start Saying More and More-Publicly-WE DID NOT VOTE FOR THIS!
Put Americans First! 🇺🇸
It’s the folks on the fringe that voted trump for some dumb reason…woman can’t be president maybe?
Those are the folks who need to protest.
And the 30% who didn’t bother to vote. Shame on them.
Ignorance and derangement is mainlined into the veins.
Leadership certainly thinks so too.
It's hard to believe you can fill a room with such people, let alone a nation.
There is an epidemic of it.
I feel embarrassed for all Americans who think that Trump's despicable and cringe-worthy behavior was even slightly acceptable.
Shame on you Trump!
Shame on you Americans for making this crap possible!
Both Trump & Vance had already caved to Putin. They were bought off & betrayed their own country & people years ago. They're both weak & not qualified for the positions they arrogantly hold. When Zelenskyy stood up to them, their true weakness was on display.
Besides, ignorance and derangement are defining characteristics for MAGA.
He believes power = fear.
Interesting that he demands groveling at his feet. It is what he offers Putin and his North Korean pen pal. Is he afraid of them?
“… [Trump] said ‘Real power is … I even don’t like to use the word … but real power is fear,’” Woodward recalled …
“That’s something Trump realized eight years ago, maybe all of his life, and realizes now, you have to scare people,” Woodward added.