The truth is Donald Trump lusts after power with an avarice beyond megalomania. Anything between Donald Trump and absolute power must be destroyed. Sadly, America, its democracy and its citizens are simply in his way.
Without Murdoch's media machine, and the right-wing radio mediasphere to push and cover for his lies, trump would not exist. He and his media killed the truth, honor, American leadership and our quest for a democratic world order. He has been captured by a foreign actor/promoted by a foreign actor.
Judgment Day is Waterloo time 4 these lying, dshnst, corrupt Satan offsprings. They'd have gained the world and lost everything. Hell is a place of torment and suffering. U Dgens still have time to change ur ways. Repentance is still an option b4 death. It's game ovr once u die.
Don't believe that lie that u can b prayed out of purgatory. Heb 9:27 says "It's appointed to man once to die. Then after that comes the Jdgmnt. Do u believe God or man?64 million dollar question
Yes and Jeff Zucker’s Celebrity Apprentice that made a Russia-backed criminal loser look like a winner and conned Americans into thinking he was on their side 😱
You nailed it! I know it's true because they got me. I supported Trump and the huge lying machine got to me. I hope anyone with Republican family members can get them to stop watching Fox. Don't let them spread hate and lies to your family.
He despises most things except what's good for him. He's so empty he needs flattering and money and lying all the time. He's dangerous and getting more demented every day.
He despises everyone and everything. He has one love, himself. His pathetic black soul has him seeking revenge against us all. But what his small brain hasn’t figured out is that we the people will have this last say. Stand and fight!!!!
This why I despise their misuse of "patriot" and abuse of the American flag. They are traitors. Treasonous. They defile everything America truly represents, each day, under the guise of being a "patriot."
Trump has always hated US because most of US democracy-defending Russian-money-launderer-hating sexual-predator-convicting reality-tv-fraudster-exposing insurrectionist-prosecuting American patriots see what a vile pathetic criminal he is. And we won’t stop letting him and the entire world know it.
100% true! This is why I (ex-Republican) will never vote Republican ever again as long as they are the party of destroying our country, as long as they are the party of Putin I will fight them everyday and never back down. I will boycott all their major donors.
Some bitches just love themselves and money, and couldn’t care less about everything and everybody else.
He might be top notch A1 in that some bitches group.
That’s was clear a long time ago! Why did people fall for his slogans?
Lack of education, misinformation, lack of interest in politics and economic policy?
We feel it. He hates all of us. He wants to destroy our country because we all know he’s a liar and fraud. We don’t all adore this severely flawed human and overlook all the crime, so he’s taking revenge. He hates the laws that want to hold him accountable. He’s making all of us pay for his crimes.
Too bad the so called Supreme Court didn’t stand up for the Constitution. Instead, they told him to go for the “MAGA GOLD.” They are going to regret this for all eternity. HUGE STAIN ON THEM FOREVER! Assuming there is even a US after their betrayal to their Country’s Constitution.
I think he loves it. Easiest country in the world to take over simply by having a legal election. Biggest military to protect him. Body guards for his entire family. Free housing, car, plane, heliocopter, and phone service. No tax issues. You know how he loves using OPM (other people's money).
sincere question from a committed liberal: i like our country, want it to function to its highest potential and, given its wealth, offer justice and vision to a dark world. but i don't love it. i think "loving" countries can lead to bad things. what am i missing?
Those who outraged at Pres Biden, Gen Milley now see that he was speaking truth(Re:DT is a Fascist)The prominent Qpub cowards, they knew. They just preferred to pretend otherwise. Delusion is a safer place to live in for cowards
It's NOT just him either. It's the ENTIRE gop and ALL their media mouthpieces, both past and present. They ALL HATE this country. They are NOT builders, they are destroyers and gladly do so. Seeing as there are NO consequences for doing so, the destruction will continue, unabated.
The truth is Donald Trump lusts after power with an avarice beyond megalomania. Anything between Donald Trump and absolute power must be destroyed. Sadly, America, its democracy and its citizens are simply in his way.
Fascism 101
But he doesn’t give a shit about to Constitution or America. It’s all just lip service. He’s America’s first dictator.
His actions show it.
I think Russia or some other agent has something damning on him. One possibility
The other is a plague for the super rich. Been everywhere. Done everything. Vices well explored. There's only one thing left.
They all try to take over the world...
The most hate filled creature on earth!
Not that what he likes is good.
He might be top notch A1 in that some bitches group.
It will take enormous work to avoid the greatest national decline in recorded history.
Lack of education, misinformation, lack of interest in politics and economic policy?
We despise his life.
One plus one is still two, yes? 😆😆😆