this now primes The Party of Protecting Women's Sports to be the one to gut the Title IX guidance that would get women college athletes paid
Reposted from
Matt Brown
Trump is probably going to throw almost all of this out in two weeks
but if not, the House Settlement is pretty much cooked
but if not, the House Settlement is pretty much cooked
It does not have the force of law and schools will have to make an independent judgment on compliance
Expect to see female athletes filing lawsuits alleging the Title IX requires pay equality, and nothing DOE can do to stop that
I get saying that Title IX means funds directly from the school must comply, but if the Supreme Court says they’re free to market themselves, and the market brings one set of players more than another, it is what it is.
When this is over ALL College Athletes are going to suffer and the “Big Boys” will get back in control of the mint