Wenn das Ziel war eine vergleichsweise pluralistische Plattform in die Knie zu zwingen (bei den Investoren sehr wahrscheinlich), dann hat er einen guten Job gemacht. Währenddessen besetzen Rechte Medienhäuser und kriegen absurd viel Airtime. For free.
Sogesehen kein schlechter Deal.
Im shocked. Who knew that sacking 78% of Your employees, openly welcoming Nazis, Bigots, Religipus Zealots,& Village Idiots to your platform while simultaneously telling private companies interested in advertising to go "fuck themselves" would have a negative effect on your profit margins. Duh.
"Fidelity, which owns a stake in X Holdings, said in a disclosure obtained by Axios that it had marked down the value of its shares by 71.5% since Musk’s purchase.
Musk acquired Twitter for $44bn [...]. Fidelity’s estimate would place the value of X at about $12.5bn."
Sogesehen kein schlechter Deal.
2019 hatte er 20 Mrd.
4 Jahre später 255 Mrd.
Was fĂĽr ein Versager.
Musk acquired Twitter for $44bn [...]. Fidelity’s estimate would place the value of X at about $12.5bn."
He's the other part of #EETD