Soul Calibur Broken Destiny was my favorite game on the good old PSP. And to this day it's still my favorite SC game. It felt like SC4 but better and without those pesky buff/debuffs tied to cosmetics when creating characters
It's the completely random memories for me. Sitting at work, building an excel, and all of a sudden, I'm remembering trying to save Ross and Garcia in FE: Sacred Stones for the first time, and it's such a heart warming feeling. That excitement that follows you for decades is so special. 💜
Diablo (original), Legend of Zelda, but before any of them was the arcade game Gauntlet.
I can still picture that, and occasionally still intone "That was a heroic action" for something very stupid and damaging. Also, "Elf's been eating all the food lately".
My fingers are double and triple crossed for this rumor to be true, for many reasons. But seeing a whole new wave of people experience Reach is among them. 🥰
Weirdly, Days Gone, actually. The first 10 hours of the game are the worst parts of the game, both storywise and mechanics-wise. Once you're actually able to fight a horde, the game becomes nearly transcendent. I still remember the raider camp right next to the horde cave.
“The Chantry teaches us that it is the hubris of men which brought the darkspawn into our world”. The intro to DA: Origins will always be iconic to me.
I think about the original Final Fantasy VII almost every day. No game since has ever quite captured that sense of wonder I felt when I played that when I was a kid.
Came here looking for RDR2. Absolute masterpiece of a game! Every time I play, I discover new things and edges. Will never get tired of it, will never truly get over Arthur
It’s just that you notice how much time and passion was put in this game. You also kind of get the feeling with AC: Black Flag for example. They want you to PLAY and experience #RDR2, not suck money out of your wallet with microtransactions at every turn
City of Heroes, Skyrim, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Civilization 5. Netstorm:-Islands-at-War ↓ (though it was sadly hackable). Warframe (which I’m playing again). Star Wars: The Old Republic
This is me. Every 6 months or so I get the urge to go back to World of Warcraft but I can just never recapture that initial awe that I sorely miss. Doesn't stop me from still watching a few streams here and there and getting all nostalgic
This my high water mark for any media. If I'm enjoying it while playing/reading/etc, but forget about it right after, it was good. But great games are the ones that follow you around for months or years after
Or it can poison your soul for the rest of your life as you can't find anyone who agrees with the base concept of what it was that the game was "saying" or "meant" .
I think the airport massacre level in one of the early COD games (campaign) deserves an honorable mention; I was just as blindsided by that story twist as everyone else who played it upon release and that stuck with me for a while. What is our moral imperative inside a gaming world?
I also spent a really long time at the ending of Cyberpunk:2077 thinking about what choice I would make and why. It stayed with me for weeks after, and I really appreciate how that game set up a character relationship that had weight and value by the end of the game.
No More Heroes is the ultimate example of a truly holistic video game experience. Somehow despite awful graphics and mediocre gameplay the sum of all its parts adds up to an unquestionable masterpiece.
Currently playing through 1. I already finished RDR2 and I think that game will always have a piece of my heart. The world was beautiful and the story was one of the best! Have you played?
Under A Killing Moon
It just hit at the right time, with an explorable 3D world, my kind of humour and more.
Loved it, loved it, loved it.
I can still picture that, and occasionally still intone "That was a heroic action" for something very stupid and damaging. Also, "Elf's been eating all the food lately".
Alien Isolation
Right? Hello?
CE feels a lot worse if you play it after Reach, haha.
People need to play that too.
On my 6th play through of the Witcher
Yeah, I'm old. So what?
Come back to me, my love. I want my little skeleton friend again.
I still think about Outpost!
Turn based space colonization game.
The follow up was good also
Diablo II
Splinter Cell
Max Payne and MP2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Don't drop it this time Arron!
There were moments where I just sort of sat with the controller, not doing anything, cause it was just soul crushing stuff…”the city always wins.”
Creating a character and roaming the world with them, fighting giant monsters and exploring forgotten ruins is a breathtaking experience.
there's also a second game!
Pilot Wings N64
Little Big Planet PS3
I’ve had it for many years and played it exactly three times.
It wrecks me emotionally every time and the images and emotions never seem to fade.
True. Some games are so bad they also stick with you.
Sonic Adventure 2
Skies of Arcadia
Metal Gear Rising
Silent Hill 2
OG has the amazing writing and, imo, much more dense atmosphere especially later in the game.
But *MAN* does Remake have some incredible gameplay, the parrying system dishes out dopamine hits like crazy.
Sickkkk I need to replay it tbh
However, Harvest Moon 64 will always be my #1.
And Journey for being so unbelievably beautiful I sobbed for the entire ending of the game.
legit just teared up thinking of the ending of Journey and its been YEARS
Still after 7 years it’s arguably the greatest game ever made.
Absolute masterpiece
Primarily for the opening song, its so comforting and inviting as if telling you to kick your feet up and relax after a long day