It depends on which version you prefer. The more accepted reading is the left one, or so my friend who knows Chinese told me.
It depends on which version you prefer. The more accepted reading is the left one, or so my friend who knows Chinese told me.
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I think this is Esteban’s, if memories serve well.
The Bridge of San Luis Rey is an equally beautiful book. It is only about 130 pages long with silk smooth prose and toucing sentiment. Certainly one can finish it within a go.
“On the day that a certain someone left, Oscar learnt that he, too, held an ocean within his heart. Vast. Infinite. And to these days he can still feel inside an endless multitude of emotions ever falling, softly.
My mind is sure a petulent wanderer, he thinks.”
— From my own novel
What a better way to end this if not with this
To live in this world
a poem by Mary Oliver