Thank you! I've been studying art a lot lately and I'm putting more thought into composing my pictures. Not just with line art, but color selection too.
I colored this picture using only three hues (a green, a pink, and a yellow) and it taught me that I can get a lot of mileage out of my colors simply by adjusting brightness and saturation.
Emilia Clarke has some amazing facial expressions, so I used her as a model for Janet. (and will likely use her as a model again for future characters)
Can't she do that normally due to the size compression rules though? Hm... but how to communicate the non-color effects of the situation then... lifting someone up by the rump maybe...? But(t) then the size-necessitated camera shift might not br viable.....
Sorry, I got too nerded in on the minutae!
I think it's starting to pay off :)
Sorry, I got too nerded in on the minutae!