Musk is turning on his former friends, who are all terrible people, and the MAGA mob is assembling like lemmings. Now Sam Harris, a notorious Islamophobe, is the enemy.
Good. Let them all eat each other alive. They all deserve it.
Good. Let them all eat each other alive. They all deserve it.
He can still suck it.
(But I appreciate your follow up)
He has always been a Democrat
The app has many varied contributions from a wide range of people. It is far from the typical "wellness/mindfully" app.
However, if someone asks for it, the fee for the podcast and app is waived.
I'm not necessarily agreeing with his views politically, especially regarding Gaza and a misunderstanding of British life.
His podcast and meditation app are subscriber only for full content as many other podcasts are.
decide who will get to guard the gates of hell! Will it be the great white whale (he sure needs a suntan) or the warthog?
But he has some hobby horses he jumps on that don’t make him any friends.
That said, if you DO think he’s close to MAGA, you’re getting information second-hand (which most do).
'Us vs them' thinking is one of our worst flaws.
Will there be another night of the long knives?
Your news is not current. The Musk and Harris friendship dissolved into name calling years ago.
And Sam Harris has been enemy number 1 for MAGA since the beginning. He has been a relentless critic of Trump and MAGA. They regularly refer to him as suffering TDS or mental illness.
Critics of these man made religions, doesn’t make them fill_in_the_blank-phobe religion.
All are fair game, like any political party, government, sports team or person
The term is used to confuse the religion’s system of beliefs with people’s race and identity.