America broke itself just because it couldn't stand women and people of color finally getting a small piece of the pie. Alas. Same as it ever was. White supremacy and greed. Dangerous, wild, self-destructive drugs.
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Yes and those white supremacists attempted to eat their own followers now find themselves running away from doing town halls cause those followers protesting against them are now woke. That's hilarious!
It's crazy to think that a handful of drug using oligarchs in a collective mid-life crisis, decided to torment and mutilate the country that gave them EVERYTHING.
Disagree. It's a cult. SInce the leader is a drooling moron, Fox built it and maintains it. There is also Fox-light media. He's as close to Jesus as you'll find on earth. I live with 3 former intelligent, empathetic, loving, close family members. Now they're hateful & fear anyone not like them.
I don't know where you are from Mash, but when I go to Chapel Hill, North Carolina every year I meet so many wonderful and welcoming Americans, though I don't see myself returning for some time now. Cheers to you.
I’m in Virginia. There are tons of wonderful people in this country. The problem is the majority in charge now - and it is a majority - see things differently.
I go to America every year and I love all the wonderful people there but more importantly your cherished nation is sliding into fascism with an authoritarian buffoon as its leader and Putin’s lapdog and wants to end my country 🇨🇦 . Cheers.
LGBTQ+ community is frequently left out of the explanations of “America breaking itself”-Trans women have been used like a dog whistle DAILY-Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington is why the felon took over Kennedy Center-So we wouldn’t sing concerts in May-We know broken. Every Day. But we remain strong.🌈
Trans women are used in multiple areas, right now, it’s sports and cutting medical care for trans veterans.
We are often left out, and when we speak up, we’re often told we’re overreacting. Worse, we’re used as a scapegoat from the “left” saying trans issues are too radical and lost the election.
Exactly. I live in suburbs of
DC and there is an issue of unsolved crimes of violence against trans women. I have been involved with our liaisons with DC police and the community. We must all work together and end the hate. I won’t give up. Never ever. Know you have support/love and stay safe. 🙏❤️🌈🎼
He did cheat, but not in a cyber flipping of votes conspiracy kind of way. The swing state votes, match exit polls and many red state results. Biden win was outlier. Throw all that out. People thought they were going to die of Covid, many voters didn’t vote after Covid was no longer an issue.
In 2024 right before the election there was a massive social media and right wing podcast (Rogan) campaign targeted at white male young men who never voted. It happened in Idaho. Registered at the voting location, first time voter, punched Trump for pres and that’s it. No other down ballot.
I’m going to assume the last sentence in your post is not a metaphor but a third thing that is warping this country (and this administration, in particular).
Remember their argument that if you don't like America the way it was you should leave? Well they are burning America to the ground. Guess they just didn't like it much themselves.
The worst part is that the friggin majority of voters voted against Trump, but a small percentage of those just couldn’t manage to figure out what “close election” means and threw away their political power on candidates without a snowballs chance in hell of winning.
Can you explain to me why any woman or person of colour would volunteer (or continue) to serve in a military that doesn’t value them? The insane disrespect being shown to non-white-male members of the service is revolting.
Self destructive is accurate. The amount of times bigots willingly left themselves out of nice things large and small because someone associated with the thing made some pro-woman/PoC/LGBT statement is wild.
This guy is the OG of destroy everything then we take it all back in the 90’s and the Democrats did nothing then we spent precious time on sex scandals which btw ALL of them were involved
Yes. And, I think it goes deeper than that. I think that these people are deeply insecure and don’t believe that our civil society will protect them. As a nation, we’re very bad at providing a sense of safety in our communities. I don’t mean crime, but how a community provides emotional safety.
Maybe I’m not saying this right, but the way plantation owners convinced poor whites that they were better than slaves is the beginning of split in the social fabric. If you don’t trust those around you, they must be the enemy.
I can see where you're coming from but, trump promised all these perfect rainbows. Life is good under me, and shit like that. All lies! And here we are!
Not sure there is evidence of this. We have women and people of color (or have had) up and down positions of leadership whether it be the WH, SCOTUS, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and increasingly leading fields of science and technology. We don’t need to make stuff up - enough real bad stuff.
They waited for over 150 years since the US civil War for a new leader to let them be publicly racist and cruel to anyone not like them. They finally got him & will never go back again. America is fundamentally broken. The only uncertainty is how it divides into multiple countries moving forward.
After 8 yrs of a black President and gay marriage recognized, it broke the minds of a minority of Americans...
and trump was the spark (created by the gop) that allows these magass citizens & politicians to continue to vomit their madness-a willfully ignorant madness.
I realized years ago, that if Obama got elected, then they no longer held the office in as high esteem as before. Because it would put him above them, and they can't mentally handle it. So they destroyed the country.
Exactly how slave-holders, robber barons, Reagan and evangelicals have persuaded poor and working class whites that they are superior to Blacks and must support the wealthy white class which keeps Blacks in their place.
My feelings every single day. What a waste of energy for them but that drug is too strong to resist. No matter how things ultimately work out for them.
America broke itself just because 1/3 can't stand women and people of color finally getting a small piece of the pie. White supremacy, Oligarchs and greed. Dangerous, wild, self-destructive drugs.
After the GFC, many Americans realized that the American Dream was a ruse. Dems offered no structural solutions, only band-aids. When things are that broken, history tells us that fascists always have more attractive arguments to the disaffected masses. That is why we are here.
Now is the time to demand change. Things aren't going to get better unless we fight for it. The fight gets harder the longer The Mad Mango and his regime stays in office. People should have taken to the streets after the first flurry of Executive Orders.
When the Village Idiot looks in the mirror, he knows he could never compete w/an extremely intelligent & respected black man. His pea brain can't reconcile his feelings of rightful inferiority. He's green w/envy & is self-destructive because of this. The emperor has no clothes & he knows it.
i agree but would add that their propaganda game is working to convince people the dems are straight evil and it’s working. i occasionally pop onto newsmax and their ‘documentary’ shows are deeply effective. i found myself questioning what i know and quite taken in. it was deeply disturbing
Women haters, white supremacists,
Self loathing in their hearts if they have any!
Varying economic or political systems don't change that much, right?
We are often left out, and when we speak up, we’re often told we’re overreacting. Worse, we’re used as a scapegoat from the “left” saying trans issues are too radical and lost the election.
DC and there is an issue of unsolved crimes of violence against trans women. I have been involved with our liaisons with DC police and the community. We must all work together and end the hate. I won’t give up. Never ever. Know you have support/love and stay safe. 🙏❤️🌈🎼
I share this at every opportunity.
It really is all Obama's fault. :(
Trump won record numbers of minorities over Harris for one reason or another.
I think America would be just fine with another POC but a women president will never happen.
Misogyny is too entrenched here for that. Not something I get myself though.
Now, even Navajo Code Talkers are being called DEI.
Fucking snowflakes.
We've been paying for it ever since.
and trump was the spark (created by the gop) that allows these magass citizens & politicians to continue to vomit their madness-a willfully ignorant madness.
And decent Americans are awfully ashamed.
As a white woman I feel I failed so many. I am sorry.
Millions need to take to the streets now.
Every day call your reps and
Mike Johnson (202) 225-2777
John Thune (202) 224-2321
Chuck Schumer (202) 224-6542
Hakeem Jefferies (202) 225-5936
Call for impeachment/treason charges