The 1/3 of the country that are RACIST and voted for Trump ARE paying attention Pegs, you are missing the point...Trump is doing/saying/acting exactly how they want him too...his suppprters are even MORE deplorable than him
Together with those who need to step up and do the job they were elected to do. Democracy and the American people are waiting. Republicans - the silence is deafening.
“At what point then is the danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we must live through all times, or die by suicide.”
Now just to wait for the staged Ukranian act of terrorism.
- Republican party on a leash: check
- Press controlled: check
- Ukraine demonized: check
- Rest of the world pissed off: check
- Attention diverted: check
- Declare a state of emergency
- Smugly claim "See? I was right all along"
America is falling! We need the people, Democratic Leaders and politicians to start mass boycotts, protest and we need the media to start doing their job and not placating to Trump. German govt fell to the Nazis in 53 days. Trump/Project 2025/GOP using the same playbook!
Time for the Civilized World to punish United States for electing such miserable bastards as their leaders. Stiff sanctions are a start. This is what it took to end the last Reich:
When will be stand up? The most un American thing to do is allow a dictatorship grow in Washington, we have bragged nonstop to the world that what's going on now would never happen..ok now what?
I've often heard opinions that Americans are no good at Geography and know little about other countries because in their minds little exists beyond, or is as great as, the good ol' US of A.
It seems to me that they are also pretty crap at History and what lessons they could/should learn from it.
You forgot a couple of steps.
-get rid of the legitimate media.
-set up propaganda machine.
-get rid of leaders in the military.
-fill leadership with loyalists with questionable morals.
-sow worldwide chaos.
70M voted for it and 75M were apathetic. Those numbers add up to us being in deep deep shit. Folks forget that a large number of Germans supported Hitler and his awful shit much like MAGA supports our shift to authoritarian rule. America now sides with Russia and those assholes cheer.
Pam Bondi, before being confirmed, told Cheetolini she thinks cops should be able to confiscate guns from folks they deem unfit without a court order. They will take guns from the left first and the right will cheer. They will only care when it happens to them.
By definition in any country, half the population is of less than average IQ. That’s 100; not very bright.
🇺🇸 isn’t ‘special’; with successful propaganda and communications, it can happen anywhere.
Musk is today’s Goebbels, and the MSM follows his coattails.
I was a political prisoner of China. I would like to tell the American people, to whom I owe my freedom, especially my Republican friends, that the US is not Xi’s China. At any moment you should and can unite and oppose and stop Trump’s authoritarian tendency without being put in a Gulag or shot.
You forgot the run up.
Lie about everything to piss people off.
Make the working class work 70-80 hours a week just to fall farther behind so they are too tired and punch drunk by life to pay attention.
They’ve paid attention, but they don’t care!! As long as pain is inflicted on their “enemies” they’ll suffer too. Remember all those dipshits at his rallies saying they love Putin, he’s nice, and they’d be happy if Orange Fuck was a dictator!! They knew, they just don’t care, but they will…
SuperBoost this to all resprentatives until they see there is no comfort where there in encroachment, there is no peace where there's injustice. We have been taken from within ,men who choose to end our govt of rule of Law ,shred the US Constitution and implement project 2025. Wake up wakeup
We are currently in no position to fight back against the next pandemic or terrorist attack. They are solely focused against going after anyone who doesn’t agree with him.
- Republican party on a leash: check
- Press controlled: check
- Ukraine demonized: check
- Rest of the world pissed off: check
- Attention diverted: check
- Declare a state of emergency
- Smugly claim "See? I was right all along"
Just ask young Germans and Austrians.
It seems to me that they are also pretty crap at History and what lessons they could/should learn from it.
-get rid of the legitimate media.
-set up propaganda machine.
-get rid of leaders in the military.
-fill leadership with loyalists with questionable morals.
-sow worldwide chaos.
And they think we're march for this shit? Hold your fucking breath!!!
America needs to utilise it's second amendment and protest while armed.
Make trump try and remove the second amendment and then he is finished.
🇺🇸 isn’t ‘special’; with successful propaganda and communications, it can happen anywhere.
Musk is today’s Goebbels, and the MSM follows his coattails.
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
Lie about everything to piss people off.
Make the working class work 70-80 hours a week just to fall farther behind so they are too tired and punch drunk by life to pay attention.