now apply this to every single thing you buy. Or want to buy. All clothes. A car. A place to live and the ability to save (anything) toward your own home. The food you eat (can you afford organic?) Everything. Because it DOES apply.
Excellent description. This year was the first I learned about regressive taxation. When a rich person is fined for an infraction, they part with a small portion of their wealth. When a economically challenged person has the same fine, they part with a huge portion of their wealth.
Regressive taxation does not mean the rich part with a smaller proportion of their income compared to the poor. Instead, it means that lower-income individuals pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes compared to higher-income individuals.
The world is entering a downswing of history. I'm not ashamed to shill my dad's book that covers electricity, ammo, water, food, health, and sustainability. These topics are covered in ways that other books do not. Especially making, storing and using electricity.
ELECTION DISCREPANCIES: UNVEILING THE TRUTH, NATHAN TAYLOR, FROM ELECTION TRUTH ALLIANCE. Nathan Taylor from the Election Truth Alliance (ETA) discusses potential election result discrepancies on The Mark Thompson Show on YouTube. The ETA is a non-partisan organization focused on verifying elections
Spot on. I’ve always looked at purchases that way. I explained cost per wear to my children when they started earning their own money.
Even good quality used clothing is better value.
100% true. That is why I always spend more for quality. My winter coat I paid $500 twenty five years ago and it’s still fine today. Save your money for quality and save in the long run.
I’m fortunate enough to be in a position to “buy once, cry once”. Years of cheap tools and camera equipment taught me that cheap things are rarely worth it.
Luxury brand items (case in point: handbags) are now made as cheap as their knockoffs because the brand name recognization has become a thing in and of itself instead of a mark of quality.
So the inequity of late stage capitalism is even worse than the inequities of Anhk-Morpork.
Regressive taxation does not mean the rich part with a smaller proportion of their income compared to the poor. Instead, it means that lower-income individuals pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes compared to higher-income individuals.
The world misses him too, a brilliant, unique and inherently humane gentleman.
Even good quality used clothing is better value.
Laundromat vs Owning Laundry Machines
I’m fortunate enough to be in a position to “buy once, cry once”. Years of cheap tools and camera equipment taught me that cheap things are rarely worth it.
So the inequity of late stage capitalism is even worse than the inequities of Anhk-Morpork.