This is why we have the orange buffoon re-elected! The Democrats are unwilling to speak out and honor their damn Oath! He does NOT qualify to be president!
It’s not that they’re “unwilling” to speak out. They know they don’t control either the house or the senate & are therefore powerless to do anything to counter the Repubs. I lay the blame for THAT at the VOTERS’ feet. They FA & are now going to FO what monsters they voted for. We ALL suffer.
We realize that they don't have a majority. Nonetheless, they each should have made a statement before certification in the Senate and the House today.
I think minority leader Jeffries should have made a statement that he had some concerns about “election irregularities” & left it at that.
As VP, Harris speaks for senate Dems. If she didn’t make a statement, no other senator should have.
I see that as the DOJ’s fault. Garland dragged his feet too long. DT should’ve been tried, convicted & imprisoned BEFORE the election, so he couldn’t run in 2024 or congress could have more easily disqualified him.
The Democrats play by the rules. And the GOP doesn't. That is why the Democrats will hold on, but also till there are consequences, the GOP will too. The GOP leads the narratives and the courts succumb to the GOP.
Republicans bring insane, nonstop energy to condemn their manufactured social issues, yet democrats rarely bring a hint of rage when defending our rights and benefits. It’s so discouraging.
100%. It's hard to "choose your fighter" when we have zero fighters, just useless self-enriching lumps that forget what they were elected for five minutes after going to DC.
Why did Raskin post the clip with Sherrylin Ifill saying that Trump was disqualified under the 14th, Sec. 3 and yet he refused to object today when the votes were counted?
I can’t even say I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some bad player involvement - bc if I do, my family thinks I’m being a conspiracy theorist. Nobody wants to say they’re concerned out loud bc nobody wants to be seen as a denier. MAGA knows this. Elon, they all know it. Forever accepting.
If the crazy antics of Dump didn’t convince America by now, and our own AG couldn’t get it together fast enough to convict him, I’m losing any hope of a “traditional” constitutional govt. Democrats need to take a hard look at what’s next.
"Constitutional Patriot"?! DEMOCRATS DID NOTHING to defend this country. No one brought up the 14th Amendment. No one even raised ANY objection. I'm done. I'm unregistering from the Democratic party. There's no one there who wants to fight this Nazi takeover of our government. Pathetic.
I know you are right about this and that’s not exactly what I’d want.
But somehow we have got to show strength.
We are being slaughtered by these criminals and grifters.
I’m scared beyond belief.
I disagree. It actually shows that the Democrats are following the Constitution as it is written. Think of each person that died on that day; every police officer beaten and permanently injured. That matters to me.
They did that and failed. They don’t have the numbers to do it again. It’s pointless and it’s what MAGA wants them to do. Unfortunately controlling their narrative is a necessary evil in some cases.
I agree with you.
But we have got to get on the defensive.
We have to get our message out there.
We had 4 very productive years with a President that we could trust who was intelligent and measured.
It’s so hard for me to believe this has happened.
I don't consider it Patriotic not to object when Amendment 14 Section 3 specifically says - with NO ambiguity - that an insurrectionist cannot hold office. You should have stood behind Jessica Denson. I've followed you from the beginning and what you guys did - in my opinion - was wrong.
The problem I have with this and I love Jamie. Is allowing the country to be taken over by fascists is hardly patriotic. They know more than I do but I suspect they will regret handing the reigns of power over so easily. They may not get a chance to get those reigns back.
If they were Constitutional Patriots. They would have all voted no based on the 14th Amendment. Which goes to show us how weak and feckless the Democratic Party is.
What's the point of voting for the Impeachment of a person and then turning around and voting for confirmation?
It’s so damned frustrating. In a clip with Sherrilyn Ifill, Raskin said he would object based on the 14th, Sec. 3 re. Trump inciting insurrection. Yet, he didn’t object at all. He caved. I can’t respect that.
I would prefer for them to try and fail rather than to give in. History will show that they ignored enforcement of 14:3. The precedent has been set: just ignore constitutional law. I didn’t go to law school/practice with the expectation that our reps would cavalierly trash/ignore Con law!
They did try and fail. They impeached him and failed to have him removed or barred because republicans voted against that. Dems consistently educated us and the people voted him back in. It’s what they want.
It would literally be a dog and pony show aimed at undermining the will of the people.
The two party system is not representative of the people. They are not beholden to the people but to people with power and $. The two party system stuffed it up so badly this time that there’s no denying it. We’re being played.
No. The "dog and pony show" would make a statement that fucking SOMEONE recognizes that he's not allowed to be President. But no, Democrats did what they always fucking do: lay down and take it up the ass. I'm fucking done.
If the Supreme Court ruled that Congress needs to pass a law regarding section 3, does this mean that Congress also needs to pass laws regarding the other qualifications to run for President? Could Musk run for President if not being born in the US is not a law?
Tell me again why doing the right thing matters with the American electorate. In my lifetime being honorable, being a true patriot has lead to exactly zero victories.
As VP, Harris speaks for senate Dems. If she didn’t make a statement, no other senator should have.
You just have to pull at the entrance of the highway with the fire trucks 🚒 and ambulances 🚑 waiting for MAGA avalanche to run its course.
We have 3 branches of government
Certifying votes didn't remove Trump’s disqualified status
SCOTUS decided only Congress can do it
Now the ball is in their court to-
Vote to remove Trump’s disqualification
Or swear in an illegitimate president
I'm not prepared for WW3, but with Nazis taking over governments of the world, WW3 may come sooner rather than later.
Democrat voters could have saved it all. But just enough chose to vote for a criminal to get him over the line.
So here we, and the world, are.
Both things can be true at the same time. That doesn't mean he isn't disqualified
Because we are a weak party.
Or rather they are.
I’m out.
I’m just scared and I feel like we have to show strength.
We are being bullied, gaslit and ripped off.
But somehow we have got to show strength.
We are being slaughtered by these criminals and grifters.
I’m scared beyond belief.
But we have got to get on the defensive.
We have to get our message out there.
We had 4 very productive years with a President that we could trust who was intelligent and measured.
It’s so hard for me to believe this has happened.
What's the point of voting for the Impeachment of a person and then turning around and voting for confirmation?
We have 3 branches of government
Certifying votes didn't remove Trump’s disqualified status
SCOTUS decided only Congress can do it
Now the ball is in their court to-
Vote to remove Trump’s disqualification
Or swear in an illegitimate president
It would literally be a dog and pony show aimed at undermining the will of the people.