Bernie Sanders led another massive rally in Warren, Michigan on Saturday after his packed Kenosha rally on Friday. He is filling venues with more people than Trump during the campaign. Corporate media refuses to cover it. We cover the full speeches. Here is in Michigan
Mike predicted this and the insurrection.
This guy is for real. I followed his commentaries on X for years. Please understand, rural communities need to be heard, seen, not just during election years. The Dems have done a lot for these communities except show up in person.
Vote for the Democratic Party. Again?
March 14th, DC
It is always one of my highlights seeing your take on USA politics and know it is not bullshit..
Great media you have created with your brothers
To all Democratic members of congress!
Hold town halls in Republican Districts where Repubs won’t. Show them who represents them and that you won’t walk away from them. Democrats not Republicans!
He may be getting old but love his energy and he has plenty of good progressives to work with and hand the baton onto! ✊🏿✊🏽✊🏻✊🏼for all.
Tell them their reps are cowards and won’t face them
They’re not because he’s totally irrelevant…
NBC where are you?
CBS where are you?
ABC where are you? Get out there and let the people know the truth
**(we're excluding Fox from the truth,not expected to live up to it)**