I did even better. I suggest everyone do this. I'm cheap when it comes to printing. I NEVER use photo paper. I seldom print in color. On the Left is a truly deserving American President printed in color, with fine detail, on photo paper. On the Wrong side is a traitor in black and white on scrap.
And this is the only President that will sit next to him or even engage in conversation. Amazing how Trump doesn’t seem to have any respect for his own office. Being a President isn’t the correct title he seems to want anyway, so until that changes he won’t be a truly happy man. Poor guy👎😡
I miss decency and intelligence in the White House. Now it is closer to the prison yard at Attica...filled with sexual predators, greed monkeys, embezzlers, grifters and drunks. I wouldn't set foot in the place...I avoid criminals and their hangouts.
Trump knows Obama was an effective 2 term POTUS. He can’t bear that. But there might also be something more than jealousy and envy. Obama was POTUS and his portrait should hang along with all former Presidents even with the stench of racism in the WH.
Trump's pettiness has zero impact on the legacy of Obama's historic presidency. It was about lifting up millions of people, not hanging a picture on a wall.
Trump may be loved by the members of his cult, but he will never be loved and admired by people who love Obama. And that is what he truly covets.
Trump is jealous.
You know? To make it realistic!
Let's focus on the bonfire he's trying to set under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Try not devoting ire on shit that does not effect or improve or ruin lives. "Oh my gawd he put single ply in the White House public bathrooms."