The fact that so many conservatives unironically look up to Ron Swanson when the character was clearly meant to satirize their dumb views will never not be funny.
The peak of this trope, to me, will always be Trumpers at a rally dancing to Killing in the Name while wearing thin blue line apparel. Incomprehensibly little self awareness.
What they do with his character is also lost on so many. They reveal that rather than a cynical rugged individualist, he cares deeply about his community & shows up to do the work. If anything he highlights what libertarian bros lack—moral consciousness & a sense of duty.
It's profoundly unfunny because it's an expression of how deeply sick our society is that people cannot tell when their ideas are being mocked and disassembled.
I'm going to be honest on a certain level Ron Swanson is also just a likeable character who never does anything too bad and is ultimately a nice guy even if he's kind of brusque and conspiratorial. Ron Swanson is bad satire because ultimately he's a safe and wholesome caricature.
Homophobic people have this response because the episode moved them, and that made them uncomfortable in the midst of their prejudice. That episode is the very definition of art.
They're gay in the game. You don't see them interact in the way you do on screen because your perspective is always Joel's in game but it's explicitly in the text
Such a shame that some folk are so judgemental that they can't accept other people or stories that don't conform to their narrow worldview. 😔
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Satire is dead and that should scare you.
How did this happen? Did the acceptance of gay marriage in 2015 mean absolutely nothing?
How many pathetic nitwits out there thinks in 2024, it's ok to say homophobic epithets?!
The stupidity of the modern world blows.
It wrecked me!
Can we not love him more?
Just like a "fag" is just a cigarette.
Nick Offerman in real life = Progressives' dream
what a legend