4) Public & parental investments in children’s skills formation w M. Gensowski, D. Bleses, A. Højen, P. Dale & L. Justice
Preschool RCT led to heterog. effects across later par. inv. and school quality. We also find cross-productivity between different skill domains.
Preschool RCT led to heterog. effects across later par. inv. and school quality. We also find cross-productivity between different skill domains.
Our model accounting for self-selection across neighborhoods explains most of intergen. mobility differences between NBHs. https://www.nber.org/papers/w33035
We develop and estimate measures of lifetime resources + identify the effects of parents’ resources on child outcomes through policy shocks at different childhood ages.
In low inc families, mobility relates to whether children have a job. As parents' inc⬆️, educ becomes more important. For top-5%, capital inc. is key.
Increasing mobility was due to large compulsory schooling reforms that led children from low educ families to complete lower/upper secondary sch.
Reversal is due to affluent families driving almost all of educ expansion at college / uni level the past 2-3 decades