European countries (with the exception of Putin's two allies), unite and coordinate your armies, because we know exactly where these tyrants will lead us.
Shame on Putin and Russia
Shame on Trump and the United States
Amazing picture of amazing people! Trump and Vance look even smaller than they already are compared to all in this pic as they side with the terrorist dictator Putin !
A tale of two clubs: the populations under these leaders may be disgruntled about food prices or living conditions but they can protest without fear of attack. In the new club the populous is either starving or paying $13 for 12 eggs but can’t protest due to the risk of getting Navalny’d.
While I'm sure that a significant number of Americans are horrified at what Trump & Vance represent, most Americans couldn't give a shit about what happens two counties away.
This really won't be forgotten. We all sacrificed billions and lives for the US after it suffered less lives lost than in Northern Ireland, a war mostly financed by US fantasy Irish. The US is the only country to call on NATO for help. Fuck em in the future.
South Korea fought for their democracy when theirs was threatened a few months ago. America, which has lectured the world on democracy for decades, gave theirs up with barely a whimper. Pathetic.
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European countries (with the exception of Putin's two allies), unite and coordinate your armies, because we know exactly where these tyrants will lead us.
Shame on Putin and Russia
Shame on Trump and the United States
Why wasn’t Mexico invited, they are in this with us?
Up next, watch besties Putin/Trump/Netanyahu come after Canada’s resources.
Thank you Europe, UK, Canada and NATO (minus US)
Canada has been and continues to be a staunch supporter of Ukraine.
Their apathy let's it happen.
Hundreds of millions of decent Americans are counting on you.