Whelp. We finally found what it takes for partisan Democrats to want to protect CIA black sites as necessary parts of the national security apparatus rather than shut them all down as suspected torture dungeons.
I am once again asking if we can do a wellness check on the CIA.
I am convinced that
1) They all walked into the ocean
2) It literally never actually existed as an agency and every “CIA” agent was just someone who was told by the DoD they’re in the CIA “for realsiez” to meet some need
Anyone remember when Donald Trump gave code word classified information to a Russian operative and burned an Israeli intelligence agent in the process?
I am convinced that
1) They all walked into the ocean
2) It literally never actually existed as an agency and every “CIA” agent was just someone who was told by the DoD they’re in the CIA “for realsiez” to meet some need
Seems memorable to me.
I wish Republicans and non-voters paid attention.