Not to be that guy. But Nosferatu 2024. It is legit the most beautiful film I have watched in many years. And it makes my younger high school goth heart swoon lol.
ZOLTAN: HOUND OF DRACULA aka DRACULA’S DOG. It’s not a particularly good movie but I just love that they cast human sweatsock Michael Pataki as Dracula, sexiest of all monsters.
That’s tough. The Spanish version of Dracula (1931) is amazing, so I’d go with that for now. But the Hammer House Dracula movies are also a ton of fun too.
I Think because of When I Saw 1979’s Dracula with Frank Langella, It might be. While Lee’s still stands pretty high, Langella’s Dracula had an Uneasy Calmness that Felt like a Beartrap. Itching to Clamp Down for the Kill.
This movie goes so hard
Favourite Vampire film is From Dusk Till Dawn
Let The Right One In, Blacula, Count Yorga, & Coppola’s Dracula and Fright Night are also top notch.