It’s been an especially challenging week and while I continue to struggled with how to share…
I’m simply overwhelmed by your concern
Early Saturday morning our lil Ky suffered a critical event that caused her heart to stop
Shock and fear still gripping me😔
She survived… /1
I’m simply overwhelmed by your concern
Early Saturday morning our lil Ky suffered a critical event that caused her heart to stop
Shock and fear still gripping me😔
She survived… /1
I just shut down everything for the past few days
I might have been pulling closets apart at 4am but that’s how I cope
I had 2 traumatizing incidents happen with family members 2 summers ago, and I didn't sleep for a month after. Pulling apart closers is at least productive...
More hugs, and pats for both pups... Even the little troublemaker.
The trauma of Miska was too closely mirrored
A lot of tears
Her eyes are upsetting me … an awful gut reminder
Jay said the same thing❤️😭
Still very upsetting and if anything a cautionary warning for friends contemplating a working high needs breed
Hugs Dear❤️
Having the first normal morning here in a week
Traumatic for everyone. Glad Ky is okay. 💜
All so quickly
I’m not sure I could have been any more physical and loud
Not at all the approach as instructed for Miska
It all felt so different
Something else beyond me had to have entered the scene
Something you said gave me chills❤️
Love You Dear
Whatever stars aligned for Ky that day, it wasn't her time. I choose to believe Miska was in the room.
“She can’t lose another puppy Ky go back, go back, go back to Mommy”😭
For the Love of all Huskies a tough but necessary personal account Friends
As her wee body tried to throw it up she began to choke
Still struggling with the horror of holding my 35 lb puppy’s lifeless body😭
I’d seen grand mal Seizures in Miska so knew this was different…
Emergency Internist believes the asphyxiating event led to her loss of consciousness
Ultrasound and ophthalmic exams were performed bc of the pressure and broken vessels in both eyes
I ‘shoulda woulda coulda’ but…
Will this settle down?
I believe so but it will take work, patience, supervision…
I deeply appreciate you all for your tremendous care and concern
You are the reason that I believe there is good in this world
True friendships exist on Social Media and beyond
I will not be convinced otherwise
Love you All❤️
Is Ky at home with you.
These furry assholes can be a massive PITA - but are SO worth it!
And how especially great that you knew what to do!
Hugs all around ❤️