Very noble of Jeremy Clarkson to support the farmers protest. Nothing to do with having
spent £4.25m on a farm to avoid paying inheritance tax.
spent £4.25m on a farm to avoid paying inheritance tax.
If the man of the people were an arrogant twat.
Not may of them have a family background intrinsically linked to farming!
If I inherited a four million pound estate from my widowed mother, I'd be liable for a tax bill of £1,200,000 - to be paid immediately.
I'd need to take out a loan, costing me approximately £12,000 per month over ten years. The total payable would be about £1,500,000.
But, if it was a farm, my liability would be just £200,000, and I'd get ten years to pay it off at £1,666.00 per month - interest free?
Make that make sense.
It is probably Clarkson being so open about using it as a tax dodge, that brought it to the attention of the government.
I am sure farmers will thank him for that.
My bad…
With his knowledge, wealth and connections, you’d think he would’ve just bought a 250GTO or something, stuck it in a climate controllable glass box in an underground storage unit somewhere, and got on with being a nuisance on the telly..