This is a repeated theme for me, but I'm thinking again about people who have not seemed to recover from the pandemic period, even without having long COVID.
Yesterday visiting with my friend, we discussed a mutual friend neither of us have seen in years because they just don't go out.
Yesterday visiting with my friend, we discussed a mutual friend neither of us have seen in years because they just don't go out.
And yeah. I isolate, and it’s bad for my mental health, but hard when I don’t
This is why I tend to think he isn't happy.
On her last visit, he nearly cried because having a visitor was going to keep him from doing his housekeeping (which takes him hours each day) and his reading.
I don't have much energy anymore, but nobody masking is the main reason we stay in.
I was never very outgoing, and my fear of running out of things to talk about gets worse with every day that I allow my social circle to get smaller.
Also, every time I step out the door I spend money which is in short, short supply.
(And TBH this is still with me in several ways, better described in person)