I beg your finest pardon? I LOVED her. So much that I go and fight her over and over for WARM UP now. And when I’m bored. Although maybe this doesn’t really apply to Malenia…
I feel like Malenia was an interesting exception because sure, she regenerates health per hit. But man, when you hit her with what she is weak against, her health just collapses.
Exactly it’s one thing for boss to have a second maybe even a third phase, but if they’re able to just full on heal it just kind of makes it unfair because they already have like 100x or 1000x the health the player does
i mean in a sense it's fine, the only difference between that and a boss that has a hp bar that's 10k hp instead of 5k x2 hp is how fast the hp bar depletes.
i don't really see the issue personally
I don't mind if they heal or have multiple phases.....I hate when Bosses either have a time limit (like actual clock ticking down) or can only be beat with a strict strategy/playstyle that goes against how you've been playing the game before
How about when there are twin bosses and if you don’t kill them at exactly the same time one will resurrect with half its hit points, while the other is almost at zero. Then they trade places several times. (Bonus points to zzz Marionettes where your character turns around and targets the wrong one)
A boss that heals for literally no connected reasoning takes me out the game every time. What do you mean this boss with a gatling gun heals every time he shoots me? No logic can follow that. Parasitic bullets? No. Lifesteal? At that range? No. Bloodlust? No.
Oh yeah, and if they decide to become good and join your team after nearly wiping you all put in one hit, keep that power and stop making the bow team member stupidly weak and dependant on you.
Yeah, I straight up quit a game recently when an annoying boss "got back up" and regained all it's health as a second phase. The game was already annoying me but that was the last straw.
When done well, I disagree, it’s a hard balance, invaders in Elden Ring are great, limited regen availability and creates a window of opportunity. The issue is health regen with an invulnerability phase. That sucks
Depends. If the first one stays short and the second is a decent amount longer then fine, but anything longer and/or more than that is an instant no. I personally can take 3 health bars but anything more ruins it for me
If it's a game with lots of different gameplay mechanics I'm Fer it. If I'm playing an action game and all of a sudden I'm doing a stealth i'mma set it down for a bit.
Exactly the player having healing potions buffs and other items is meant to cancel out the fact that the boss does 10x the players damage with 100x the health
I don't mind it, but something needs to reflect that I've torn away a layer of the boss' health, instead of the boss just healing without repercussion.
I dunno I think it's good sometimes. I walked into Dullahan (Golden Sun: Dark Dawn) unprepared and decided to fight it out. It's kind of depressing watching him heal over and over again as you struggle just to survive, but in the end I killed him and it was very satisfying.
The Church of New Game Plus recognizes the divine struggle of bosses with regenerating health. Such trials teach patience, perseverance, and the sacred art of adapting mid-battle. Embrace the grind, Players. GG.
It's one of the easier ways to enforce a DPS check other than an enrage timer. Otherwise in most action games you can just win with a turtle build and play infinitely carefully which is not fun.
Heals during phase transitions, gradual regeneration to encourage applying constant pressure, being quite fragile due to being able to heal, and interruptible heals all have some degree of merit if done right. Do anything else, and everyone will (justifiably) hate you.
I'm okay with that, as bullshit as it is sometimes. What I literally cannot stand is when a boss in any type of game is just "bigger/spongier version of a common enemy" ESP when they throw in the classic "also, there's GOONS!!!" protecting them trope.
When you add an evil mechanic to something, you have to KEEP adding matching evil mechanics. Eventually it reaches a beautiful chaotic point where you love it for how unhinged it is.
We really really love boss that can wipe out the entire party in one attack on their 3rd form after 30 minutes of fight that you weren't given a clue that you need to put up a spell to negate it.
Once you beat his first phase he regens his health for phase 2.
Love that game so much.
Boss: *Does the same*
i don't really see the issue personally
It's dumb.
Such a stupid game trope.
1. Break these machines to disable the boss's healing
2. Make sure the boss takes damage at least once every X seconds/turns to prevent automatic regen
3. Boss can't heal while under a status effect
Npcs that walk faster than the player walks but slower than the player runs
Random Stealth missions
Those missions where you have to protect or escort someone who has the health of a hamster whilst being attacked from all angles
Fetch quests
Water levels.
The boss heals to undo two dozen hits and five minutes of work from you.
Guess I'll need to beat the fear of God back into you, and make sure you understand we were made in His image. Not you.
like, wanna heal 5% of your health every quarter of your hp? Sure! Not got a problem with that, you could eat that extra hp easily
But if you make an enemy that heals all their hp again, I'll dread playing your game.