TAKE ACTION: Support the People's Privacy Act! (Washington state, 1/5)
The People’s Privacy Act limits how much data companies can collect, prohibits the sale of sensitive data without opt-in consent, and bans targeted advertising to kids and teens. That's good!
The People’s Privacy Act limits how much data companies can collect, prohibits the sale of sensitive data without opt-in consent, and bans targeted advertising to kids and teens. That's good!
Especially in times like these, the People's Privacy Act's protections of for sensitive data immigration status, sexual orientation, trans and non-binary status, race and ethnicity are crucial.
Of course Big Tech companies who make money by exploiting our data are pushing back hard. There's a key committee vote Friday, so if you live in Washington, please contact your legislators NOW!
If you live in Washington, https://wa-privacy.net/email-tedv-committee brings up draft email to the committee that's going to vote on the People's Privacy Act later this week. Make sure to add your name and city, and anything else you want to say!
And if you *don't* live in Washington, please help get the word out! As well as boosting this thread, share the links directly with folks you know who live there.