Went to a local fish fry for supper (I'm in the midwest, its supper😄) paid cash. No card use, no other purchases. This is a pretty normal Friday for us.
Not just one day for me! I cancelled Amazon on inauguration day and will boycott any and all companies or products supporting this coup. Democracy deserves more than one day. This includes all stocks in any companies either. I have liquidated my stock portfolio of traitors to democracy!!
It was not difficult at all. We’ve been cutting back for quite some time now. Less consumption feels good. I already vowed not to spend on Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and especially Memorial Day. How tacky is it to honor those who died for this country by buying stuff?
The only money I spent for the entire weekend was the donation to Ukraine I made to Ukraine, after the horrific spectacle we witnessed, by a sitting American president, in the Oval Office.
My family are turning out to be dumber than I gave them credit for. My neice just asked me if she puts in an order with WalMart today but has it delivered tomorrow is that like buying it tomorrow? Then they're going awww, no Dunkin. I mean it's one small ask, one day, to try to save our country.
Only in one rash moment ordered two Ukraine garden flags overnight to put in my front yard immediately. I couldn’t help it. I’m sorry if I disappoint but felt it was for the greater good.
That’s it
#StrongerTogether 💙🦋💙
That was it for our family.