The military and security agencies need to be reminded that it is illegal to follow illegal orders. If they think there will be no consequences, they need to look out at what is happening in their society and figure how long the Trump farce is really going to last.
Doubt there will be an openly fair POTUS election in 2028.
Most likely, the US will have a Putinesque type of election
with the outcome already decided in their favor.
The midterms in 2026 will tell us all we need to know how
much they are capable of rigging/disrupting the voting process.
Except the wannabe fascist losers who think they'll be wearing the jackboots will be licking them, and not realizing that it's not only them with guns.
If he and his followers are as stupid as Hitler and his, we all know how that ended. Unfortunately, multiples of millions died prematurely, and some horribly
False Flag. Anyone? Know what a false flag is? Gulf of Tonkin, SS dressed as Polish soldiers 31 august 1939 to give hitler justification to invade Poland. Eyes open please.
I only hope our generals, admirals, and other military officers are preparing to control the military before the slimy orange turd declares martial law, because that's what it's going to take.
The fortunate part is Trump knows nothing, especially military. He has no idea what the backbone of the army is. Napoleon joint the revolution when he was a captain, and became Emperor.
Let’s be real, that would only save us if they took out the entire Republican Party. Trump isn’t the problem, the whole party is corrupted and working for putin.
With the immobilized judicial system, granting him immunity, the Americans have voted for a suspention of democratic processes.
There is likely a way back, but who can find that, untill an even tighter grip has been taken?
The rest of the world should not be ignorant to that development.
There are people who can stop him but on both sides we have nothing but cowards who are afraid of him. He must have some juicy dirt on all of them to make them so afraid of him. Imagine if his own party stood up to him and said no?? Or my own Democratic Party would stop playing nice and say enough
If it gets to this I think the most likely outcome is an intelligence leak that should be too bad for even these supplicant republicans to look past, and then when they do look past it anyway, a military coup and suspension of the constitution
What surprises me is how surprised most people are when you mention this. The level of average American dis-engagement from even the most basic widely available news about Trump's strong-man intentions is breath-taking.
gosh, you are all doing a great job of persuading those who felt disenfranchised in the last elections that they should now unite with you! Have you stopped to think about WHY so many USAians feel disengaged from politics and the 2 RW parties of oligarchs that are their only choices?
Complacency allowed him to get the Presidency. The pearl clutching non-voters that are waiting for the "perfect candidate" are responsible just like MAGA and ALL REPUBLICANS. We that voted against him recognized that you made your choice based on the obvious, he's just BAD for the USA.
SCOTUS rulings US v Burr 1807, Haupt v US 1947, &Cramer v US 1945 set precedent. TREASON requires an ‘assemblage of men’ with ‘treasonous purpose’ committing ‘overt acts.'
Made a thread so you can take as much action as possible to protect Queer people and Trans people from blatant fascist censorship along with Civil Rights:
It's funny how trump koreans still believe they'll have some elections in the near future. You've had your elections for a long time, but you've fucked up by voting for a putin and it's over now.
Now you have your putin, and the only way to remove a putin is to kill him.
I have no doubt that Trump will use any means he deems necessary to remain president for life and try to pass that mantle to a family member when he dies
We’re about to see what happens when you push Americans too far. We’ve been in shock, but the protests in all 50 states, at Tesla dealerships & Nat’l parks, while not covered by MSM, are intense, meaningful and growing. Despite a lack of leadership from Dems, these fascist traitors will not win.
As someone who swore an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, I find myself in the surreal position of watching those same values dismantled from within. We veterans didn't risk our lives abroad so that democracy could be surrendered at home without a fight.
Cite UCMJ Article 90-92 (refusing unlawful orders) and the Law of War if regime actions violate constitutional principles.
Avoid private conspiracies focus on lawful dissent.
Thank you for such a detailed response, I appreciate it so much! With him removing all of the leadership and trying to replace with loyalists, do you think that will have sway on how those enlisted respond? Or is there enough structure within military ranks that they’d still uphold the constitution?
Military personnel should:
Use the chain of command to voice concerns formally.
Consult JAG/IG confidentially (Judge Advocate/Inspector General) for legal/ethical guidance.Document issues (dates, orders, policies) to establish credible claims.
The U.S. military is bound by law to obey civilian authority and defend the Constitution. Direct action against elected leadership would require unlawful orders (e.g., unconstitutional acts, overt dictatorship) compelling refusal under the oath.
Yes, he is mentally deranged to think America needs a king. America has never needed, or shall never need, a king as her ruler. We the People are the "King of America ".
Good thing elections are run by the states. If the red states want to sit it out while the blue states elect our next president, that works for me. This article also assumes the military will go along with it, and I'm not talking about whatever loyalists he puts in place at the top.
The amount of coverage he receives by people claiming he is just joking / trolling is infuriating. He lies constantly about reality but very rarely about what he wants to do, he is not lying, he is telling you what he plans to do.
People really think he is just improvising, that they don't have a plan, that all this is just talk… shit! He is done talking, he talked through the
Campaign, now he is doing whatever the fuck he wants and preparing everything so nobody can stop him.
This is what Trump is working at, certainly not running things, that he's left to Musk, and looks like Vance. Some others are pulling the strings, the kleptocracy? Trump besides public glorification, would rather be playing golf.
Not happening. America isn't the democracy of 1933 Germany or Orban's Hungary with a GDP of Kansas - Trump will be lucky if he survives 6 mos more in office. He & his whole crew are getting tossed by the People.
I'm counting on the Republicans. They didn't let trump go because they were afraid for a 3th party in America. Wrong bet. Never let a crook, blackmailer, liar, rapist come to power!
He's gotten rid of the JAGs from every service branch and the best Generals and Admirals - these are moves you would make if breaching the constitution was your intent, as only the military could do anything about it, given the SS.
What’s more likely to occur is a declaration of state of emergency before summer’s end. Elections and Habeas Corpus will be suspended. Patel will label protestors as terrorist, and opposition will be banned, with leaders jailed without trial.
The appointment of Hegseth was key to ordering the military to control the population. And if you think they won’t, just remember Kent State. The DOJ and Patel’s FBI will be all too willing to process mass arrests.
They will TRY, but will ultimately fail, because they've delegitamized their administration with illegality and that illegality is what will ironically legitimize the opposition.
Even Hitler knew this, after the failed putsch in '23, he told the Nazis henceforth everything must be done LEGALLY in order for their govt to be deemed legitimate, but Trump's wannabe Nazis seemed to have forgotten that part of history.
Almost every single political prediction I have made has come to pass since 2016. My housemate thinks I should podcast because of it. Mark my words: martial law will occur this year. Once Habeas is suspended, there is no legal recourse for arrests. We are sliding inexorably toward Civil War.
The longer the left cling to the Constitution as a security blanket, the more they laugh. We are handcuffed by the very document so revere. The current law is irrelevant if no one will enforce it. Remember, according to SCOTUS, nothing done in an official act by the President can be prosecuted.
Correct. The budget cuts are designed to create protests so Hegseth can bring military in to quell with force and Trump can suspend the Constitution and declare Martial law.
Also, he is being deliberately provocative towards the Middle East. If the protests aren’t sufficient, he is provoking a terrorist act with his advertised plans for Gaza. If neither one occur, look for a false flag event - think the Reichstag Fire - in order to justify a state of emergency.
That's right - even we, to our shame when Eisenhower & Churchill pulled the same reichstag Communist insurgent trick as Hitler did to oust democratically elected Mosseddegh in Iran to install the shah and keep the oil from being nationalized, Trump pulling something is guaranteed.
Bring the military in? When has a country as massive as ours, as armed as ours, ever been successfully controlled by the military? Do you think our military will hold strong in the face of turning on our own people? There are thousands of able bodied veterans who are pissed as hell.
Germans were not as armed as the people in the United States. Nor was their country as large and diverse geographically and by population. California will cease to be a part of the US which will tank the rest of the country's economy.
I am afraid it is not that simple. While the large cities of the entire west coast are largely blue, the central and eastern parts of all three states are rural and Trump/MAGA supporting.
Saying that California will successfully secede is not a given.
The age of our democracy is actually making it less stable than Weimar. In Weimar, the voters could remember a pre-democratic time but were eventually outnumbered by conservatives and post-democratic youth.
In the USA, many people don’t realize the terrifying significance of what Trump is doing.
Hmmm... you know what else those 250 years held, genocide of racial and cultural minorities, the oppression of those who were not outright killed, inequality for all who were not free, white, Christian men or at least able to pass. Our aspirational statements have never been our reality.
Absolutely. I was an Anthropology/ Political Science major before I went into medicine. I have always found what we actually were and did much more interesting that what we pretended.
Monarchies don't mean they didn't have democracy. It is a mistake to assume we are somehow genetically or culturally predetermined to resist the stripping way of rights more than they.
Most likely, the US will have a Putinesque type of election
with the outcome already decided in their favor.
The midterms in 2026 will tell us all we need to know how
much they are capable of rigging/disrupting the voting process.
Fight Club Incorporated.
Legitimacy requires the ongoing consent of the people, even between elections
Americans overthrew their government one time. No history book wrongs them for doing so
The nascent seeds of the Second American Civil War are being sown, only awaiting the catalyst of purpose and focus!
The fortunate part is Trump knows nothing, especially military. He has no idea what the backbone of the army is. Napoleon joint the revolution when he was a captain, and became Emperor.
There is likely a way back, but who can find that, untill an even tighter grip has been taken?
The rest of the world should not be ignorant to that development.
Wake up Americans!
IGNORANCE is *not* bliss.
Oh, really? GTFOH
SCOTUS rulings US v Burr 1807, Haupt v US 1947, &Cramer v US 1945 set precedent. TREASON requires an ‘assemblage of men’ with ‘treasonous purpose’ committing ‘overt acts.'
Article 3 Section 3 & USC title 18 ch115 s2381 TREASON.
Now you have your putin, and the only way to remove a putin is to kill him.
Avoid private conspiracies focus on lawful dissent.
Use the chain of command to voice concerns formally.
Consult JAG/IG confidentially (Judge Advocate/Inspector General) for legal/ethical guidance.Document issues (dates, orders, policies) to establish credible claims.
He’ll likely use that technicality to say his “oath” was invalid.
Work hard and someday you too can be oppressed by a despot.
There I fixed your headline.
When replacement of military leadership is completed, watch out. I got popcorns for that show.
People really think he is just improvising, that they don't have a plan, that all this is just talk… shit! He is done talking, he talked through the
Campaign, now he is doing whatever the fuck he wants and preparing everything so nobody can stop him.
SCOTUS may not have an army. But if the military obeys their oath, if dictator Herr Trump disobeys the courts, he won’t have one either
In related news, check reporting on the prevalence of far-right radicalization in active military units.
Saying that California will successfully secede is not a given.
In the USA, many people don’t realize the terrifying significance of what Trump is doing.