For them a tanked economy is a great buying opportunity.
Sure, they’ll temporarily lose some money, but billionaires play the long game. They have the luxury of buying on the cheap when everyone else has to sell.
It's that they have so much money that they can weather even the most severe depression, then use that money to scoop up vast amounts of assets at rock bottom prices and come out of it far better off than they were when it started.
They believe they will take over everything- tanking the economy, affecting lives and throwing many (both people and companies) into severe pain, they expect to push the affected into deals where an oligarch can control it all. Creating their own gilded age of a few owning all and the rest serving.
And please stop repeating the "union myth" - while a few million union members in oligopolist, capital intensive industries split rents with corporations, they raised costs and blocked entry by the majority of workers.
Why? Because the Plutocrats know in advance what is coming, but also intend to use their immense riches to buy the America they want. They can take shelter around the world, they don't need us, other then we're in a convenient location.
It’s because they will be buying up stocks for pennies on the dollar. This is a scam. Create uncertainty in the market, stocks fall, they buy on the dip, remove the uncertainty or roll back policy and stocks go up making them huge profits. That’s why they done care.
Because they are in this for the long game. They can afford to lose billions. The power and wealth they will amass as unfettered oligarchs is worth the “transition” now.
It’s clear that Trump is serving Russia; his actions make no sense if one doesn’t start with the question, “how can we upend the global order and decrease US influence?” I’m starting to think Musk is in it for a similar end result, but for him it’s revenge for the USA helping to end apartheid.
Sure, they’ll temporarily lose some money, but billionaires play the long game. They have the luxury of buying on the cheap when everyone else has to sell.
It's that they have so much money that they can weather even the most severe depression, then use that money to scoop up vast amounts of assets at rock bottom prices and come out of it far better off than they were when it started.
They don't fear a crash. They welcome one.
Bezos, Zuckerberg hardly impacted.
And please stop repeating the "union myth" - while a few million union members in oligopolist, capital intensive industries split rents with corporations, they raised costs and blocked entry by the majority of workers.
And they are highly paid from your tax dollars.