A Wisconsin Trump voter is questioning his MAGA support after ICE deported his Peruvian wife upon returning from their honeymoon.
Earlier this month, a Trump supporter in Virginia was racially profiled and interrogated by ICE agents with their guns drawn.
Earlier this month, a Trump supporter in Virginia was racially profiled and interrogated by ICE agents with their guns drawn.
Have no sympathy
Dude must hate his wife.
🙈Where is the #enforcement?
🙊The penalties?
🙉CAN they be enforced?
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 If not, then what good are they? #courtorders #FEMA https://l.smartnews.com/p-jqmNNi0/LbCek0
Makes one question what it would take before he really turns his back to the Trump-cult.
Well, I've heard the answers before: they can't do more because their hands are tied.
Tied down by the law, you piece of shit. That's your job. If you don't follow the law, you're a criminal, period.
So sad
Reap what you sow
Believe it or not.
#America : 🫏🫏🫏🫏🫏
These people don't give a shit until it happens to them.