“If somebody doesn't help me, I'm going to die.”
"Somebody said to me, 'I don't know what you expect me to do, You're a healthy 21-year-old young female.'"
Some of the most dangerous words in medicine are:
“You test results are normal”
“You’re young and healthy”
“What do you want me to do?”
"Somebody said to me, 'I don't know what you expect me to do, You're a healthy 21-year-old young female.'"
Some of the most dangerous words in medicine are:
“You test results are normal”
“You’re young and healthy”
“What do you want me to do?”
only reason they kept sending me home was they pressed on my stomach it felt fine to them, no other tests
"you're just fat try to exercise more."
"you're young you're just lazy. exercise will help."
i cannot.
managed to get put on the lyrica and HOLY SHIT. i don't feel nearly as bad anymore. who'd'a thunk it?
(me. it was me.)
I was sent home after surgery despite not feeling “right”. I plead with them to keep me longer & they said “you’re young & healthy you’ll be fine”. /2
My pain and swelling were worsening, I was so exhausted I couldn’t even answer the phone to update friends and family. I couldn’t eat and was barely drinking.
So I went to the ER and was dismissed in exactly the same manner as the girl above. /3
Their explanation? "you just had major surgery you cant expect to feel good." /4
But you should be feeling “better”. Each day your symptoms should improve. Pain and swelling go down, appetite returns and energy levels go up /5
So I went back to the ER. Same thing. “You’re fine stop bothering us.” /6
I knew my body and I KNEW something was wrong. But I couldn’t convince anyone else. /7
Patients who are in pain or suffering from an illness are vulnerable and want to trust a medical professional's advice.
If you're only in it for the paycheck, FU.
I wasn’t fine.
ER doc: "You have mild gastritis. It'll pass in a day or two."
I decided to follow up with my ob/gyn, and later that week I had surgery to remove a softball sized ovarian cyst.