The wage gap. The gender gap. The health gap.
All we do is claw and claw.
One of my main advocacy goals is to shine light on misogyny in medicine and how much harder it is for women to be taken seriously.
It’s almost 2025 and we’re still frequently brushed off as “anxious”.
All we do is claw and claw.
One of my main advocacy goals is to shine light on misogyny in medicine and how much harder it is for women to be taken seriously.
It’s almost 2025 and we’re still frequently brushed off as “anxious”.
Reposted from
Talia Lavin
cant sleep, stewing, thinking about how easy it is for men to be taken seriously as intellectuals, and how much ground you have to claw and claw to be taken with a quarter of the gravity, as a woman
for decades, I am now understandably bereft that younger
generations of women have now voted
to institutionalize misogyny and celebrate trad-wifedom.
"I'm so sick of running as fast as I can, wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man."
They will automatically think about kids but they do not consider if someone becomes disabled
They look after the parents, the kids, the spouses, siblings who are or who become disabled.
All it really does is give you a reprieve from having to relentlessly look for a job well receiving it
You will have to rely on the state pension
And now in the UK you can even claim it at the same time as claiming a pension.. so you remember when I said that you're expenses will be inevitably higher at being a carer