Measles vaccinations fell to 40% during pandemic, before it was 85-90%. people aren’t getting vaccine because of many factors, including vaccine fatigue
Who would have imagined that having to get a series of Covid shots would lead people to give up on vaccines that have saved lives for decades?
Who would have imagined that having to get a series of Covid shots would lead people to give up on vaccines that have saved lives for decades?
When I had children, BC Public Health came to my home and vaccinated my babies.(yes, that was many, many decades ago)
We need to push for better public health
I had to get my shots a pharmacy..
Andrew Wakefield's goal was to sow doubt in order to get people to stop vaccinating.
We say "fatigue" in order to avoid taking responsibility for being suckered into believing lies.
But, truly, it's because we were suckers.
What I think we should do is CONTINUALLY REMIND EVERYONE THAT WE HAD A PANDEMIC PLAN from President Obama and VP Biden... AND RUMP THREW IT AWAY.
So Covid immunity's ephemeral nature requires more frequent vaccination than for other diseases. 🤷 It's just the hand we've been dealt by Nature. At least we have vax. The vaccine fatigue story was spun by entitled, clueless people who don't realize they owe their existence to vaccines.
And estimated the average IQ of anybody willing to watch Faux News.
We’re all fatigued by antivaxxers.
BTW, what "vaccine fatigue"? Did any of the antivaxxers actually get even one Covid vaccine?
Besides. Covid apparently resets immune system to zero, so even people previously immunised against other diseases might need a full set of vaccines.
Saying otherwise plays into antivaxxers' hands, because if this were strictly true, we'd all be WAY sicker.
Just for example, kids getting chickenpox multiple time, where normally one infection practically guaranteed not catching it twice in the past.
This isn't me minimizing COVID, BTW. But there are also many non-immune factors that make infections dangerous for people with LC.
"The extent of damage to our bodies in the long-term is still unknown,” he stated
"Last year, the disease caused approximately 59,000 deaths and more than 500,000 hospitalizations in the U.S."
And it will reduce your ability to properly assess risk (it is retrainable for some).
Problem is, most do not notice the brain damage and thus risk assessment of the society has declinedbyfar
My kids grew up in Japan and we had a whole list of vaccines to get them and I did with the schedule I was provided with. My parents did the same with me when I grew up