It’s time to mask back up (N95 or better please!)
Resistance is easier when you have your health.
Coping with fascism, climate change, supply chain disruptions & food shortages will be easier if you have your health.
Disabled people need your solidarity. Protect us & protect yourself. Mask up
Resistance is easier when you have your health.
Coping with fascism, climate change, supply chain disruptions & food shortages will be easier if you have your health.
Disabled people need your solidarity. Protect us & protect yourself. Mask up
Wearing the mask maintains humidity and moisture for the virus to thrive.
Natural immunity is not buy into the lie. Start listening to Dr Shiva on Truth Freedom
There was the worst exploitation of the innocence of the Americans and the world, the largest ever wealth transfer, the impoverizations of the millions from whom the wealth was stolen.
Study it in retrospect.So you never again
Never stopped.
Naturally a home health nurse infected me with COVID three weeks ago. I'm fine now, but I'm tired of health care practitioners, along with everyone else, wearing their masks under their noses, aka "not really wearing a mask."
I'm vacs for most things, covid or flu don't care but don't fk me up too long.. 😁
Just what i've noticed. Carry on.
I had mild-ish POTS for many years, but it became less mild after my 2nd covid infection, and severe more recently (stress? asymptomatic infection? idk)
don't gamble. we need you
It makes it feel like I shouldn't risk it, since others aren't really trying to protect me. If I get sick, it could impact my med schedule, which equals pain.
(I also appreciate posts like these for the chance to block the cruelly selfish and selfishly ignorant antimaskers etc who felt compelled to out themselves. Read the room. 😷)
Granted, I went to a 2hr event and dear god my body feels it. lol
Not taking it means the pain I am in is going to get worse. It also could impact the meds effectiveness when I resume it. There are finite amounts of meds that I can go through, so... ugh. Risk/benefit.
The fact is masking helps those with chronic conditions that can't get sick.
People who are immunocompromised are at extreme risk if mask are removed.
People with autoimmune conditions are a risk of more anytime they get a virus.
Also some autoimmune conditions are treated with immuno suppressants. (That's ignoring what I already posted about the viruses triggering more conditions).
I think as a society we just have forgotten that disabled people are part of society unless impacted.
These things Convict🍊🤡💩 and “president” musk are doing is exactly what you do to an enemy.
They are at war with America!
Does that piss you off?
Also theres alot of unseen benefits to masking all the time
It saved me from getting my face ripped off by a pit bull
"He who acts to save his country from tyranny, domestic terrorism, Project 2025, and radical right wing criminals, violates no laws.”
Masking sometimes is better than never wearing a mask all of the time.
Bird flu,
seasonal flu,
Wear a mask in enclosed spaces with lots of people is always a good idea - a lesson from COVID
1. Wash your hands regularly & often.
2. Avoid touching common areas like public doors or handrails.
3. Mask & gloves on public transportation.
4. Etc.
Either way, it’s good practice to mask & wash often.