I mean..I’m sorry for coming off as rude/mean. I just don’t like it whenever ppl go after others over something as simple as their preference in fictional monsters. If feels like some of these ppl haven’t learned anything from the mass bullying of ppl who simped for tumblr sexymen and or+
Conventionally attractive anime designs. So many selfshippers/simps of these characters were legit getting harassment and the ppl who created these types of designs also received harassment too and was blamed for “the decline of character design(yes I’m talking about bill cipher). It just confuses+
And upsets me so much especially when these ppl shitting in these types of character designs and the ppl who like them, also claim to be against cringe culture
dude my post was just a tongue in cheek funny post and I literally do not care that much about anyones preferences. it’s all good here. have fun and do whatever u want.
If it’s not shaming then why are u insulting someone. Just cuz someone may not be into creatures like the xenomorph doesn’t mean they should get made fun of. Some ppl are into more humanoid monsters and some an aren’t. I don’t call myself a monster fucker/lover anymore for this reason cuz yall+