When you're a 68 year old who got bullied by the pretty girls in high school, to then grow up and see the pretty girls take your side AGAINST the bullies, well . . .
He's not her boyfriend. He's the future guy she cheated on. Because she's cheated before and cheaters rarely change. She's a shallow stupid hypocrite who is running for Public Bicycle of Washington DC.
What's up with his face? He got a thyroid problem? The puffiness of it all. And as for his suits he always looks like he got his clothes right out the hamper... I'm sure there is some "Marjorie" smudged on it, still. The skanks! Gross! The rich really are filthy.
The President is dressed as if he’s ready to go to the battlefield. Which I’m sure he is.
It wasn’t a job interview. Also, clothing choices shouldn’t matter. But I’m sure you’re a Christian who attends church every Sunday morning dressed to impress the pastor.
Now that is a fashionista..figures that stupid twit without the a would be with a jackass like that. Stand tall lil Nazis..the ranks are swelling with newbies.. too bad it takes a hundred of them to add up to an average person.
I'm having a bit of a better day today.
Do you go to a job interviews in cross fit?
It wasn’t a job interview. Also, clothing choices shouldn’t matter. But I’m sure you’re a Christian who attends church every Sunday morning dressed to impress the pastor.
Nope, you’re a bot 🤖