Admittedly, when it happened I was probably the only person not that bummed about it. I was in the process of handing the reigns over, albeit to the people that ended up letting this show happen, so I more so felt relieved.
I think the Borg as it was then should stay in the past, however, the city definitely needs something that could fill a similar role. It wouldn’t be the same as the Borg, but I feel like it could share a lot the same aspects and make sense for the current day.
that's understandable. it's hard to put this into words but the borg ward was the place that made me grow into the artist that i am now. i'm super nostalgic about my experiences there and it would be amazing to have another diy spot here in mke
I get that. The Borg had a very profound effect on my trajectory as an artist and a person too. I love that nowadays we have X-Ray and Cactus for all ages shows, it’s incredible. But the they are way too different.
The Borg was a special place for a lot of scenes, but for us in the experimental realms, it was extra special. The Jazz Gallery is doing great things, but also that’s like comparing a real nice pair of khakis to some well worn/worn out jeans that probably could use a wash. I want the jeans.
Just speaking as someone who played shows (and shot videos and recorded music) there, it had a real sense of "We can do ANYTHING." Alternate songs with Lord of the Yum-Yum? Sure. Set up in each corner of the room surrounding the audience? Sure. Play intros of all our songs and then "Six Pack?" Sure!