But, but, businesses must serve their stockholders per Republican-made laws. They cld support changing laws to answer to customers or citizens, then maybe they cld have standing. How 'bout it, Repubs??
I hope Costco stays strong. There is no law prohibiting Costco’s DEI policy. But I’m sure it is coming as part of the Republicans new policies of blatant discrimination, racism and misogyny. They also want segregation and slavery back.
they believe their ideology is overwhelmingly popular and any evidence otherwise is anathema to their entire worldview. it's not performative, Costco defying them on this is giving them brain damage
No. True believers in white male supremacy and the idea that women and POC should not be in the workplace, women should be at home popping out babies or dying in childbirth so men can get another 12 year old wife (this was the religion I was taught) while POC should be picking cotton/etc.
I shop at Costco a lot and the one I go to manages a massive amount of inventory, gets people with loaded-up carts through quickly, has an efficient restaurant and pays their people well. It never ceases to amaze me that Republicans are going after this absolute Swiss watch of a company.
It had been:
1. Lose proxy vote
2. Go on social and boycott
I’m guessing the brand reputation here is so good, trying a boycott is out of the question.
Will they fight back? I’m curious if the proxy statement was a precursor to legal action. 🍿
It's only Fascism when it comes from the 20th Century Region of Europe. Otherwise it's just a nice sparkling Small Government common sense.