I remember asking my dad if I would die and he said that I would but it wouldnβt be for a long time and Iβd be surrounded by people who loved me. I miss him.
Allowing your ittle ones to be constantly curious about the world around them , taking them to the ZOO , museums ...in Philly we have the Please Touch Museum , designed for kids . Allow them to.try to find answers for themselves , and watch them as they figure it out .
Adding to my prior note, I did the same with god. I encouraged them to ask friends if they could attend their churches, synagogues, temples, mosques and make up their own minds.
I'm an atheist and lived in countries with different religions. The number one thing is to not lie to your children. Once you've done that, you've lost their trust. When my kids asked me if I believed in Santa Claus, I said no but you can if you want. I didn't lie and I empowered them.
Itβs a great practice, full of opportunities for growth. You donβt have to wait for hard questions to ask. You can introduce ideas and ask βwhat do you think,β and encourage the free, critical and creative thinking that emerges. Itβs in heavy rotation between me and my preschooler. #parenting
With little kids, it's good to ask questions and find out what they are REALLY asking and why. And then answer their specific question.
Like if they ask about death, they may really be asking about their classmate's dead hamster or something really benign.
I've taken the opposite approach, answering questions truthfully but in a way that's understandable. Then again, when my daughter was about the same age she once looked up at a windows of a tall building, said happily "If I'd jump from there, I'd probably die!", laughed and continued walking.
Always listen to your kids if you are legally allowed to do so. Especially when they tell you theyβve just suffered abuse. Do everything you can to respond, even if their dad refuses.
A friend was asked by her daughter "Where do I come from, mummy." She coyly explained the facts of life in detail before asking why she asked the question. "Because my teacher said she was from Oldham, so I wondered where I came from." π«£
My child once was worried about me dying and I told him that he would be waaaay older than I am before that happened. And since I was 1000 years old to him it seemed impossible.
I said anything I wanted because I don't believe in children I don't believe in childhood. I don't believe that there's a demarcation. 'Oh you mustn't tell them that. You mustn't tell them that.' You tell them anything you want. Just tell them if it's true. If it's true you tell them. Maurice Sendak
Like if they ask about death, they may really be asking about their classmate's dead hamster or something really benign.
Everything has an ending,
Except that which is everything.