And those two rotten bastards tried to shut him up when he attempted to correct them. “Disrespectful” indeed, those two pompous blowhards can shove it.
Alt text: Zelenskyy with this info: Reminder: Between 2014 and
2022, Ukraine held 200 talks with Russia, reaching 20 cease-fire
agreements. Russia violated all of these, leading to Putin's
invasion on 2.24.2022. Those advocating for negotiations are either uninformed, misled or
aligned with Russia.
There was also a small matter of THE MINSK AGREEMENT which went the other way and broke the peace but really it was all about the US pushing NATO on Ukraine and an historic issue with Crimea and the military base in
2022, Ukraine held 200 talks with Russia, reaching 20 cease-fire
agreements. Russia violated all of these, leading to Putin's
invasion on 2.24.2022. Those advocating for negotiations are either uninformed, misled or
aligned with Russia.