Everyone ... thx for all your suggestions! But the problem is not the default browser. The problem is that I've been infected with a redirect virus/malware that redirects the search engine to be Yahoo instead of Google.
How the hell do I get rid of the damn thing?!
How the hell do I get rid of the damn thing?!
Reposted from
Carolyn Porco
Anyone out there have advice on how to get rid of Malware from a Google pixl phone? After the last update, my android phone is now using the Yahoo search engine. I just want to get rid of that & go back to Google. I don't want to have to pay $10/mo for anti-virus & -malware software! :-(
I’m no expert but It’s an odd behaviour for Malware to reveal itself. Do you have any other problems with the device?
Under "Basics" tap "Search engine". If that's set to "Yahoo!" change it back to "Google"
Tap on your account icon in the top right hand corner and the "Manage apps & Devices".
First confirm that it says "No harmful apps found" in the "Overview" tab.
Then tap on "Manage" and you can scroll down through all installed apps.
And I just found the problem (see previous post). It was the default *home app* setting that had a weird choice registered and I changed it to Google.
All is well. Thank you!!!!!