this is disgusting.
Reposted from
Drew Harwell
Homeland Security secretary Kristi Noem making content in front of the imprisoned men of El Salvador's notorious Terrorism Confinement Center mega-prison
Posing in front of a human rights violation like this - it absolutely beggars belief.
What an utterly awful human being. Of course I'd expect nothing less from the person who killed her own puppy.
An entitled white woman (and serial adulteress) with hair extensions and extensive plastic surgery, wearing a Rolex, is standing in front of a massive human rights violation at a foreign gulag and promising more of the same.
What an idiot.
Of this government.
Must be a requirement to be part of this regime.
Its a super clever term
I'll reserve my better and more creative insults for the clever smartasses who earn it.
What a ghoul 🤬🤬🤬
Evil is quite relative, but can be simplified in: those who again and again do harm against others selfishly
You can have 0 empathy and still choose to do 0 evil shit
Shes evil because she does evil
That said...
I hope she dies horribly
However, those who I think are evil, usually have zero empathy.
When ppl equate empathy too good, theres a fundamental misunderstanding on whats empathy
I can emotionally care for you, and still rob/murder/do evil shit to you...
I can understand your pain, and use it to know HOW to harm you
Empathy, CAN be evil, a lot more than apathy
Evil a lot of times come from a form of empathy + a sensw of superiority + hubris
Humans are more complicated, and equating empathy deficts can lead to
Because, some (not all, nor the majority) of autistic people, lack it
People with PDs, usually lack it
And that people can be good, and can fight against empathic but overly zealous religious extremists that think MAGA is a way to "cure" or "save" the "deviants"
The necessary workers aren't arriving, scientists are leaving for Europe, and in Florida they now want to authorize 14-year-olds to work...
Trumusk prefers white slaves.
Good prospects for Making America Small for the First Time!
Until she gets off'd by those she stood in front of and flaunted her fat ass.........
Looks like the the prisoners, shaved head and all from the concentration camps!
Will 🇺🇸 America’s Reputation ever recover!
She is effing disgusting
Knowing she shoots puppies makes this display even more vulgar. This is Nazi mentality!
One day - these individuals that keep spreading hatred, fear and lies will be on the other side of it.
This is absolutely disgusting!!!
Trump is outsourcing his warcrimes to other like-minded dictators.
You might want to seek out some professional help.
You are an immigrant too so fuck off ya fucking worthless piece of shit. You are on stolen land, my ancestors land. So don’t throw rocks at a glass house.
Birds a feather flock together stupid motherfucker. I’m out of fucks to give and I despise people like you. I’ve seen your feed 3 followers and you just talk shit. FUCK YOU
10 years
She kills puppies, is morally bankrupt & thoroughly disgusting.
She is desperate to gain influence & power.
But she’s so stupid she doesn’t get that she’s unworthy in the weirdo white dude future!
and take away her stage. My god, the bitch is THIRSTY
Bippity boppity->
So she did get to shoot one of them like Cricket?
And for those that don't get it . . . White? as form fitting as possible! Representing nothing serious!
She shot it.
She also shot a pet goat she was tired of.
She wrote about it in her book like she was proud of it.
You killed a puppy you didn’t like so we know you’re amoral. Only a psycho would pose for a photo op in front of a prison cell full of immigrants you illegally sent to El Salvador.
taking advantage of something/someone that is defenceless. This is her special power. Kicking someone who is down. Just consider her tying her dog down, then killing it with a shotgun. She's as sick as a person can be. She just hasn't been arrested yet.
Small dick energy
Plus she has no talent or expertise + has no clue how to do her job, so she acts tough to cover up her incomprtence.