100%%%. Fill all the judicial appointments, expand SCOTUS, pardon everyone in his administration, release all the reports, have the FBI do expedited background checks on all of Trump’s appointments and release them to the public.
Trump issued a total of 144 pardons during his first four years in office: 1 in 2017, 6 in 2018, 11 in 2019, 52 in 2020, and 74 in January 2021. N/A – Arpaio's pardon was issued after his conviction, but prior to his being sentenced.
So is persecuting family members of your perceived “enemies.” Look at all the fraud committed by the orange Nazi’s kids. No consequences were levied against them by democrats. They want dirty? They get dirty.
Every one of us who had to undergo a background check in order to be hired for a job needs to contact their senator and demand the same for each one of these important posts.
If I can't be a school teacher without one, they shouldn't be secretary of anything for the United States without one.
Or, I don’t know, use the broad presidential immunity granted by SCOTUS to replace Merrick Garland with Jack Smith, make some arrests and finish the job. Round up the Russian-bent party and tear up their passports.
Turns out if you appoint and pay off the top judges in the land and work your way down then anything can be done! I’m a lil salty that the current administration didn’t add that extra supreme ct judge they said they would!
For Gods sake, get all classified documents and information to the National Archives BEFORE you leave office! He shouldn’t be able to sell our secrets to the highest bidder! The misfits he’s appointed will never be trusted with any intel…foreign or domestic.
Biden should declare a national security threat to the homeland and the world (because Trump and his cabinet picks truly are) and stay in office at this point. Trump is never leaving once he’s in anyway!
I am a firm believer tfg will never leave, he will make himself dictator, we are only beginning to see our country will never be the same, destroying everything is his purpose, buckle up for the worst, it is 🤮
Biden needs to issue a blanket pardon for every government worker otherwise the 34 x felon will pick them off one x one. That needs to include the military
If I can't be a school teacher without one, they shouldn't be secretary of anything for the United States without one.
They will never be safe here as long as Trump lives, maybe even after that because he's warped so many minds
The federal courts
The electoral college
The press
The vote of the people
All were captured, co-opted or failed to do their duty. Governments are made up of human beings and we failed
given us over,
pray to the devils."
~ Shakespeare (Titus Andronicus)