The mainstream media normalized Donald J Trump, and turns its back from his having been adjudicated as a rapist and charged with 34 felonies and convicted four times. His only way to run away from prison was to run for office in 87 million of you granted him immunity. Shame on all of you!
All gave Traitor womanizing fraud Trump a pass.
Still horrific.
Dam, the media. Do not watch any of the stations 😒
It's how Republicans roll.
These fucking people claim their Christians all the time
Guess what Christianity leads to authoritarian patriarchal mindset
Show me a country with a heavy religious component and I’ll show you an authoritarian run. Failed state.
Being nice to these people is a mugs game
Point out their representatives are fucking them every chance they can
It’s easy
tell them this over and over
stop being stupid “respectful”
we are passed this
Way passed
Donnie only got 77 Million Votes.
100 Million Americans didn’t vote at all, but they’ll go see “Sonic the Hedgehog 🦔.”
These people are wealthy.
They can't have it both ways,-- their selfish greed and American Democracy.
Millions of "Religious Men" think women are not worthy of Human Rights.
After 20 January we will be chasing our tails, putting out fires, everywhere.
I feel you, & I'm with you. Through no choice of our own, we will be subjected to a front row show, of the horror that the ignorance of our electorate has foisted upon the world.
Please know most of us have nothing but disdain for this corrupt criminal. We will attempt to keep him in check.
Thank you for being a decent human.
And those GD 3rd party Protest Voters too
It's the job of mainstream media ( an oddly GOP term) to report... The opinion section is for offering criticism... Please stop repeating the tactics of the right... It's insulting, lazy and has no measurably effect.
But now it is even worse because they seem afraid of him.
they'll only get worse, so why even watch.
If I wanted to watch someone suck trump's dick- I could call Alina Habba
I don’t get our media these days. His supporters are not watching democratic platforms. They are getting lies from Fox News. You need to fight Fox not the hand that feeds you
We hungry
And getting homeless 😭😭 life is just unfair now