5 days in and he already broke the law, in re the IG's.
Only a matter of time before he does something so egregious the GOP can't look away.
Unfortunately, you won't be allowed to say you're sick of him. Nor will the press report how sick people are of him. It will be forced smiles, kow tow and heil trumpler.
What is the male equivalent of the British expression “all fur coat and no knickers” ? What will it take for his MAGA cult to realise that just because he is common doesn’t mean he has ever given a jot for the common man.
We can only hope. Problem is many people who supported him will never believe the adverse effects they see are his fault. They will find a way to blame it on others so as not to upset their pro-Trump mindset.
I was assuming after serial bankruptcy, failed marriages and numerous infidelities, he would just go away, back in the 80’s. But NO! He’s that booger the MAGA-ts dug so hard and deep for and they will never be able to shake it off their finger, now that they know what it tastes like.
I was sick of the orange turd before he took the out of office and I’m getting more sick of him now every day it’s just something new he’s doing wrong in this country and changing the ways we have lived for how long. He he’s like a little boy in the school yard that the big boys took something away
Unfortunately, I disagree. They saw him lead the worst attack on the country since 9/11, after killing a million people and destroying the economy and women's rights, and the People said "give us more of that" 4 years later.
I hope so. I'm sick of racist sexist (almost always) white males responding to my concerns with 'where did he hurt you'. Well myself and every other sexual assault survivor are hurt that a rapingpedo is president.
I doubt there'll be a huge shift, but I do think that A: many people who voted for him again had forgotten about the chaos and division he brings with him and B: some 18 year olds who could vote for the first time will suddenly realize that different isn't always better.
Insure hope the hell so. I’m starting wonder. A long time friend today told me she voted for him, which I did not expect. She said he was a good businessman. Omg. Help us.
She's the one that's dramatically in need of help if she thinks that idiot is a good businessman. That idea is a media myth. Tony Schwartz, who wrote the art of the deal, made a public apology for deceieving the public about Donald's so-called business success.
6X's bankruptcies.
This blew my mind. Not many people I know use Bluesky and the news isn’t reporting in depth on anything. I sent this to everyone I know because they know it’s bad over there but they’re thinking bad like the last administration. This is on a whole different level.
My psychic abilities are trying to save my ass.. I have an entire youtube channel of shit against trump that is hidden. And the fact that you just happen to CONFIRM MY GODDAMN PSYCHIC HAS ME STUNNED. *followed* I have to approach this another way. I am going to walk a report to the Mayor’s office
Be nice! Overwhelm Trump with kindness. Everyone could buy something cheap with free shipping and have it delivered to Trump's Mar-a-Lago address. I suggest fish because it's between the Atlantic Ocean and Lake Worth Lagoon. Its name translates from Spanish as “Sea-to-Lake.”
He would love it!
And there's eff all they can do about it. Congratualtions Americans, you committed national suicide, both the idiots that voted for it and the idiots that didn't act decisively when the fascists failed their first attempt. Now America and the entire world will pay a price far in excess of the 1940's
I don’t call 20 years particularly fast. I mean this leech has been all over the place for 40 years, but really in the zeitgeist for the last 20 each and every. fucking. day.
Unfortunately, most of his cult are like Play Do, they mold to whatever narratives he weaves. Even when it changes day to day, hour to hour. It’s the like the parent with the bad kid that repeatedly fucks up and they keep saying “not my little Nicky. He never!
Bishop Budde has been facing death threats since she asked Trump to show mercy to people fearing for their lives. Now even the President is painting her as the enemy and we can’t abandon her. Let’s show Bishop Budde she has massive support all around the world!
It’s the Americans that can’t quit him.
We are not better than the USA
Only a matter of time before he does something so egregious the GOP can't look away.
I wonder how many PTSD cases we will have when we get rid of him and his cronies!
What are we doing about it?
I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you over the retching...
6X's bankruptcies.
He would love it!
Day 7 and it is still here.