And his servers seized, and everyone who looked, talked about, seen or handled any data in any way jailed in solitary for life, elon needs executed as the lowest form of trator and slaver, POS
America needs to hear this. Stop the pearl clutching and feigned outrage. That is a failed strategy of the DNC. Hoping people would vote FOR Democrats, while offering no real agenda, just to vote AGAINST Trump was pompous, arrogant, and asinine. The fight is in the streets, not a courtroom.
I don’t support the death penalty. He’s got a good 40-50 years we could have him behind bars though. Treason and economic terrorism, absolutely. At this point, death would be too merciful.
STATE AGs need to prosecute him. Class action will only cost him money and he has so much it won't matter to him. Threaten him with incarceration. Maybe he will flee the country or shoot himself to Mars in an exploding rocket
dude the fact he had any connection or conversation with Putin while holding GOV contracts, he should have lost all of them then, it's treason, if they do that, he will be blocked from US politics. The solution is so fucking easy WTF are they waiting for.
I am 65 and just started collecting Social Security which I have been paying on for 42 years and will be happy to join the Class Action!! I’m sure I can get my mother, Aunt and sister to join also!
Yep, their reality protected the same way we are, their flesh and blood, what kind I have no idea, but just as fragile as anybody, never let them make you think their invincible, a flu or any number of things can get them despite the guards
Let’s all please ask governors of blue states to consider allowing seceding to Canada!! 🇨🇦 We can pay our taxes to them & leave this Nazi, hateful shit show.
Remember when a political figure was considered public enemy #1 for using a private email server and the Oligarch chanted “lock her up!” Now we have a Kleptocrat moving mass public data to a private server and shutting down gov’t agencies because, well, he can. This can’t be our new norm.
I was just thinking that! Repugnicans, however, have no sense of irony so we can’t even waste our breath on … dare I say … that basket of deplorables? (And I’m sorry but I still think that moniker is funny AF.)
The reason Muskrat is there is because of his money. Maybe he paid Humpty Dumpty Donny ALot of money to literally Buy the presidency. It's just a thought. Ttump loves$$$$_7
It’s disturbing that this private citizen, and not an elected official, can have access to any data or information!! Trump is allowing him to do anything, it appears. Something must be done and very soon!!
I want to know who and why they allowed that. He does not have authorization or security or business even being there. They should have simply said you need to leave
I agree with you. Ppl have to stand up , make a fuss . Stand up, resist . Quit giving in. This aptitude for taking the high road or civility is no longer viable when the thousand mobs have arrived !!
Who’s gonna arrest him ? Don’t you see? SCOTUS elected a felon which should have not happened . Blankets immunity secured . All been rigged to benefit them, Putin , china maybe .
We need a military takeover for a while . Remove Seth .
They screamed and yelled about Hillarys server with no proof anything was compromised. Elon goes in and takes all our info and not a peep on that side.
In the meantime call your bank and ask what extra security measures they are taking to ensure your money is safe. Ask for higher level supervisor until you get as high up as you can. 1/2
Say something like: “I am a customer. I’m worried that my money might not be safe now that elon and 6 engineers withOUT proper security clearance have access to SSNs etc. Please register my concerns with bank executives and contact me when they have a plan in place. “ 2/2
Is anyone else locked out of their SSA online account? I haven’t been able to open mine since this shit started and I tried to change my username and password 🤬🤬😫
Tried to log in yesterday. Even with my accurate SSN, DOB and email the system said it verify my identity or account. Very, very concerned about this right now
Stop buying Tesla products, Starlink goods etc. Get off X and rip up all contracts for him to access precious minerals etc. That should give him a good punch in the gut! Boycott the hell out him!
Just to the point. If we can't do this why not? Ask everyone you know to contact their congress folks and reps, federal and state. Governors and state AGs.
Change your withholdings on your W4. If you don’t already, change your tax withholdings to not have your taxes withheld, to pay in next tax season, rather than get a refund. Invest that money. There might not even be an IRS by next April.
For sure! However the justice system has been largely taken over by the billionaires. I think it only something along the lines of the French Revolution will do
Is any govt employee or contractor allowed to download large files on to a non-govt hardrive or personal computer. Didn’t think so. Not an employee? Arrest that thief!
Rump has rigged everything at every turn . May God bless his heart . If you know what I mean . 😉
They want to do adult crimes, they get to serve adult time in prison!! 🤬🖕🏻
would've started yesterday and the courts would hear
the case in lightning speed.
Where this is not true, we’re shit out of luck!
A class action lawsuit takes years, and requires a lot of judicial oversight.
This is an EMERGENCY.
We need a military takeover for a while . Remove Seth .
Jail Elon as requested
Seriously ? Am ready.
Change your withholdings on your W4. If you don’t already, change your tax withholdings to not have your taxes withheld, to pay in next tax season, rather than get a refund. Invest that money. There might not even be an IRS by next April.