Obviously President Zelenskyy. However, the clump of hair pulled out of a clogged shower drain would also be more popular than the Tangerine Wankmaggot.
Trump is popular, at least among MAGAs. The thing about Zelenskyy is that he's honest and cares about his country and people. Has good relations with others. Speaks in complete sentences. Well mannered. A nice, educated person. And he stands for what's right and good in this world. Poll says Z.
Ya can’t believe what you see on the internet, only the super genius Trump tells us the truth, or something to that effect will be used on the simpletons. Have you not seen any of your media or been in public at all? Like Carlin said “There are some dumb motherfuckers walking around out there”
Interview to an old ucrain man living in poo farm at rai TV:" what do you think about Trump?" Answer:" why Usa voted a so too too old man? He should be in prison! " Evidently he remember what Trump did in '80es years...
Hands down. trump is an asshole who doesn’t give a shit about America and wants to turn it into Russia. Zelenskyy is a hero trying to prevent his country from being part of Russia. I wish nothing good for trump or anyone who voted for him.
Not even the highest bidder, I would guess. Russia's economy is in the toilet. If he had to sell us out, he could at least have gotten us something in return! #SlavaUkraini
Scheiß auf dein dummes Land! Scheiß auf Trump und sein Verbrecherkabinett. Wir isolieren Ihre Wirtschaft. Sie wissen es noch nicht, aber wir werden Sie so behandeln, als ob Ihr Land unter Sanktionen stünde!!
PROTESTS - 50501
Tomorrow - March 4th
50 States - 1 Movement
Find your state, find your march, make your posters now!
Peaceful but LOUD!
I watched him today in a short video as he was meeting some other world leaders and was wistful to have a man like him as a president- young, fit, strong, courageous and if quick mind and wit. Instead we get junk.
Oh you can count on that being true. I've never been so outraged and horrified at what's going on in this country. President Zelensky is smarter, braver, and a much better person than any of the thugs who cravenly grovel after the big Dump.
A) Selfish Pig
B) A Strong Leader who cares about his people.
#SlavaUkraine 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
I hate Trump!
They don't see one in the Tangerine Tyrant!
And trump is the biggest piece of 💩 that ever learned to walk and talk.
If his country after friday. No need for elections to prove he is no longer the leader.
Trump: loser
Zelenskyy: hero
The choice is obvious.
Trump is a dumpster fire.
I yearn for the day when the news hits that Trump is dead. Sooner the better.
PROTESTS - 50501
Tomorrow - March 4th
50 States - 1 Movement
Find your state, find your march, make your posters now!
Peaceful but LOUD!
Susan Collins who needs a context.
Dems "Zelensky", politely, except Jasmine, AOC, Bernie etc. who have better words.
Normal people-"Trump, play more golf. Vance ski more.
Both sports are hazardous IYKYK.
Zelensky we have your back, front and sides.
So, that would be a yes.
Comrade Krasnov may consume a satchel of Richards!
#SlavaUkraini 🇺🇦
Go back to wherever you came from asshole !